What? Just saying what? *soooooooo confused* So. Then... you're a dude? Because I always imagined a girls voice when I read your stuff. Is that just because I'm a girl???
The one problem with having an open mind is that other people keep on coming by and sticking things in it.
hmm. ok. well i think smooch is a guy, if you look at his profile page it says male. it doesn't really matter though, he's a pretty awesome person and I miss him a bit not being around as much as he was. i'm sure it wont matter how you imagine them sounding. don't tell, but i imagine dark liz is buttercup from the powerpuff girls.
Well, i believe this time i must answer. Crazy, here a copy of the source code in case you didn't know how to get to it: view-source:http://empireminecraft.com/XenStaff/ also, check lines: 3232 - Admin (GameKribJEREMY) 771 - Senior Staff (IcecreamCow) 1233 - Moderator (GameKribJim)
Your colors are wrong, if we're basing them off the colors we use in MC (which we are.) The correct colors are #AA00AA - Admin #55FF55 - Senior Staff #00AA00 - Moderator #55FFFF - Staff
No need to read into anything guys. It's a personal matter and sometimes people just need breaks from certain things.
I'm bassed on website colours. If you want to correct someone, correct Justin from using other's that you don't like. As i said: view-source:http://empireminecraft.com/XenStaff/
Dark_Liz: Our mom, she saves us from anything and it's always eye-on-us. (Her hawkish, hawkish eye) xD *Ban Hammah!*