One quarter of my life [AMA]

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by PetezzaDawg, Apr 28, 2019.


Has EMC helped you grow as a person?

Yes, I’ve changed since joining. 10 vote(s) 76.9%
No, it’s just a game. 3 vote(s) 23.1%
  1. Where to begin. Well, I guess I’ll start with it’s been 4 years of being a part of this weird, wacky, weird again and wonderful community. I didn’t intend to do a thread but I do want to address how much this experience has changed me. I’m typing this in bed about to go asleep, so no fancy colors, just a story of a kid growing up.

    When I started on EMC I was 12, it was this time in 2015. I was young and naive, somehow managing to get myself temp banned for stirring drama over a disagreement about a payment for some long forgotten service on a res long since reset. I came here for an escape, not for friends or to grow and change as a person. I’ve said this before to some people, and I don’t want to look like I’m hounding after sympathy, but at the time, I was only a kid and my dad had died on a trip of a life time around 5 1/2 months earlier. I felt somehow responsible even though that’s impossible, and that I didn’t spend enough time with him or any number of other irrational worries. I guess this might’ve made me emotionally volatile (no duh) combined with being a 12 year old with no sense of etiquette or politeness. But somehow, all of you collectively began to chisel away at me, showing me through the ropes and helping me along the way. You really made me feel like I was accepted somewhere, which, at the time, saved me from a potentially much worse fate. I remember being so impressed with the smallest of things back then, and slowly learning to fend for myself. I made many friends, some left, some I parted ways with, some are still my closest friends today, and even or two I have split with and reconciled and come out stronger on the other side. I learned more and more and had many experiences as years rolled by. I saw updates, events, new players, some created a dirt but and left, some are now like me aging and becoming the older generation of EMC new players will look to for guidance, old players with already massive empires who witnessed the era of ICC and JustinGuy take their leave, to an emotional response from the community. I left once or twice myself but always came back because you’re all my second family and, I want to stay PG, but there are people here who know who they are who without I may not be here to write this risky sentence, (and not due to a lack of interest in minecraft) because of everything that was going on in my life at the time. There was more than just my dad, but I won’t get into that here. I’ve had laughs, and even cried once or twice whether you believe it or not. I’d say I’d change some things because not every experience I’ve had was positive, but that’s part of the human condition and nothing should be too perfect, that doesn’t make for a good story. And that’s what we’re all here to do, write a story, wether it’s one here or in real life. Now, at 16, having been here for a quarter of my whole life, I really feel like I’ve grown and changed from an annoying kid to a well rounded almost adult, but I, no, we can all always be better. Some people here have really helped me to see a better side of myself and saved me from a darker path in my life. There have also been those who dragged me down. But I guess that makes me closer to being perfectly balanced.... as all things should be. (Really, you didn’t think one of EMC’s memelords would do that?)
    To be honest, I didn’t plan for this day, from my first day and even now when I knew it was coming up. I just became active again last month, and I’m writing this because I lately have felt like my life is crashing and burning and there’s nothing I could do, but as usual in the last few years, you’ve been here to pick me up. Thank you for listening to my probably very inconsistent emotional ramblings, as I’m too tired to edit them at this hour of night. That being said, this is an AMA, so feel free to ask away, but there will be no prizes this year, although I do have a few things brewing in my head. This is just an opportunity to ask an experienced EMCer some questions.

    It’s been quite the adventure of highs and lows, pizzas and pineapples, meme and a sixth thing.
    The process of growth doesn’t end until we do, I hope you can all help me be better and I can do my best to help you change too.

    Stay weird, wacky, weird again and wondeful.

    -Peter. AKA crazyminerpete/PetezzaDawg, Petezzalt, perhaps somewhat controversially BanHawianPetezza, (character limit spelling police), and the newest edition to the family of alts, GoldPetezzaDawg. Catch me in game sometime.


    -P.S be creative with your questions, I’ll answer pretty much anything besides anything that spoils end game for other people.
  2. Sry it was a lot to read but what’s your favorite promo and what was the first one you got
    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  3. Pete! I feel like I know you from somewhere...
    No but seriously thanks for sharing dude, I didn't have quite the fragile past like you going into it but I get where you're coming from and as you know, reach out whenever you need and I'll respond! I'm almost always on my phone anyways...
    But onto my question!
    What is your favorite memory with me on EMC? I'm sure you can think back to at least one moment that made you laugh in the 3-odd years I've known you lol
    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  4. How does it feel to be a day younger than me on EMC?
    PetezzaDawg and rykly18 like this.
  5. first one was whatever they released for July 4th in 2015, favorite would be candy cane sword
    I will always be grateful to have you to listen to my rants :)

    I’m not sure to be honest. There’s been so many where I really laughed out loud. But I can’t call any to mind, probably because it’s 2:30am while writing this.

    Older than you RL which trumps the EMC age
    rykly18 likes this.
  6. What made you stay on emc for such a long time?
    PetezzaDawg and rykly18 like this.
  7. Peeeete! :) I still remember back when we were both new to EMC, and around the same age. You were indeed a bit of a crazy miner, but you and LeoV (LEORYAN10) were pretty cool to hang around with :D

    Hmmmm, questions....

    What do you think wish you had known back when you joined EMC?

    What do you consider the most valuable lesson you have learned over the last four years on here?

    Are you currently working on any big projects in the Empire? If so, what are they?

    Thanks for giving us an opportunity to get to know you better :)
    PetezzaDawg and rykly18 like this.
  8. I feel like I’ve already addressed this in the post. But, it would be all the friends I’ve made here

    I remember Leo, I really wish he hadn’t left

    What do I wish I’d known: well on one level I wish I’d been less annoying but that was just who I was then. On a gameplay side I wish I’d spawned a few 1.7 villagers.

    The most valuable lesson I learned is to make sure people understand you? When I said that I ‘split apart with some friends but ended up stronger after’ It was at least partially because of a miscommunication. I’m glad I reached out to them to fix it but I shouldn’t have been so careless as to need to fix it in the first place.

    Big projects, I’m currently wrapping up a gold farm I started when I returned last month, I’m not sure what I’m going to move onto when I’m done though. I might take a months break to focus on school till my exams are over then get back to EMC when summer is here. Thanks for asking all these great questions :)
    rykly18 and MoreMoople like this.
  9. I didn't think you were annoying at all lol
    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  10. You didn’t know me for the first year of my being in EMC
    rykly18 likes this.
  11. Thanks for sharing you Ol.... er... young Dawg you.

    Keep growin stronger.
    rykly18 and PetezzaDawg like this.