[Old Thread] Mob Arena

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Maxarias, Dec 4, 2012.

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  1. Dunno, if I should play?!
  2. See you all again in about 8 hours. :)
  3. Ummmm, this kinda sucks. I can't stay up till ten >.< Good luck everyone!
  4. Bump. >.>
  5. awww no mob arena :( ive been waiting,
  6. Is PvP enabled? because i would hate to kill someone accidentally... :(
  7. No it's not, only PvM lol
  8. You seem to have forgotten the East Coast XD
  9. East Coast would be Eastern Time. So therefore 10am and 10pm. Which the latter did not happen.
  10. Yah, I know that...I was just making a joke about how Alex forgot about the millions of people on the East Coast :)

    By the way, how is your forum post text blue?
  11. xD OHH ok. I make it bold and blue.
  12. Well, I see that, but how?

    EDIT: sorry for the completely off topic discussion :p
  13. Click the A by the smiley and pick a color. :)
  14. When is the next 1?
  15. I'm not American so I can be excused :)
    Dwight5273 likes this.
  16. Alright but still....

    At least you got the West Coast! Thats the best coast.
  17. inexcusable, We will be invading your country tomorrow does say 3pm est sound good to you. =P
    AlexChance likes this.
  18. They're happening every Wednesday so the 19th.
  19. >_< awww my glob
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  20. Updated OP:
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