[Old Thread] Mob Arena

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Maxarias, Dec 4, 2012.

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  1. Cacti walls? :3
    AlexChance likes this.
  2. Of course I don't, you are excellent, good sir.

  3. YES! <runs off to figure out how to implement it>
  4. Don't give him ideas. :p
  5. Too late. The only problem is the test run I just done gave the winner 6 stacks of cactus.
    redwing2000 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  6. Haha, I don't think that would be too much of a problem considering you could just reset the arena and let the cacti drop AFTER you remove the container perms for the winner. :)
  7. Cactus will not be added, there is possibility of client crashing, due to cactus popping loose.:(
  8. Piston pushers :D?
    ninjaboy5656 likes this.
  9. This may be.. really... overkill, and I don't quite know properties of the Mobarena, just ways to kill things.... You could put up dispensers against a wall that shoot out negative effect potions, like poison? Like, there'd be a block in front of the dispenser to make it release the potion inside of the block, making it a smaller splash range... this could hook up to an admin control. Just an idea for the death of others :)
  10. Please....stop giving him ideas to kill us. XD
    neonkillah likes this.
  11. How about... ENDER DRAGONS
    neonkillah likes this.
  12. Really? Twice in a day? Well. 3 more uses on my time on EMC.

    jacob5089 likes this.
  13. Put pressure plate along the edge of the arena, so that when someone steps on them, that person is tp'ed to the top of the arena and dropped, taking small but inconvenient damage:)
  14. Fine... I'll come up with a new idea.
    How about... BABY ENDER DRAGONS!
  15. Too strong. Make. Baby withers. That would honest to god be adorable. If not menacing.
    jacob5089 likes this.
  16. I'll only kill them if they drop skulls. :p
  17. I actually like the potion idea. But the tp idea could be used to like avoid mobs
  18. Not if those mobs are tp'ing to the center too (i believe they can use pads too) :p
  19. Nope
  20. Dang, youre right. Could have dispensers around the edge that dispense a creeper if someone runs over the plate:p
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