Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2016 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2016.

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  1. Alright, so I'm in VEX robotics, and my team did pretty well.

    2nd pic was of my alliance (consists of 3 different teams).

    Pretty hyped.
  2. Is it weird that you look exactly how I pictured you? XD
    Kyzoy likes this.
  3. In the shop till you drop lol

    Hmmmm imposter......... Jk glad to get face to a member that I've know for 3-4 years lol

    Like I said in staff slack make me a skeet shooter robot or else ..... :p
    NickkG, Kytula and fBuilderS like this.
  4. Is that a tournament finalist and programming skills trophy? And what team # are you so I can check your team out, and know what scores to beat :p. Well great job in your tournament!
    (I'm into VEX robotics as well)
  5. Team 5523J. Scores are a bit lower than we'd like, but we expect to have them up soon. What team you on?
    Zrugite likes this.
  6. Yeah there is a thang called deer season witch happens towards the end of the year and I go rifle hunting witch is open 14 days I think
  7. I was expecting a large greasy double cheese burger with fries...
    SkeleTin007, IamTheNub and Jadziaa like this.
  8. That's my work outfit.
    FoxyRavenger and IamTheNub like this.
  9. Its going to take lots of bribery for me to post my ugly face on here =P
  10. I'll pay 1r
  11. 1 SkareCboi head. They are priceless. Is that enough?
    iiHershey likes this.
  12. This post is a bit off topic...
    I'm on team 1039A. I am also in the same region as 2r and 2z(very good teams if you have heard of them), so I havent done as well at my first 2 competitions as I would have liked. I recently incorporated a PID control loop into my robot, so I should do fairly well at my next competition now that I am down to below 1 shot per second.
    Are you active on VEXforum?
    607 likes this.
  13. Not particularly. If you wanna start a PM, we can share some notes about robots.
    Zrugite, 607 and crystaldragon13 like this.
  14. ..and how does that look?
    607 likes this.
  15. I only have one...I need more!

    P.S this is my 1k post milestone! :)
    Kytula and Keliris like this.
  16. in honor of my 1 year anniversary with the love of my life, have a selfie of the both of us :)

  17. Talk about adorable. Brothers who minecraft together, stay together.
  18. He may or may not have photobombed me

  19. You all wanted pictures? Well here we go from a walk on monday up the hill.
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