Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2014 Edition)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Jan 1, 2014.

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  1. Cchiarell6914 and Sunny_Chicken like this.
  2. Australia is the best!
  3. IcC kinda looks like danznewz :p (I would insert a photo but I'm on mah phone)
    Sunny_Chicken and mba2012 like this.
  4. So here is me after the crossfit :D.

    And here is me with my mom, after the crossfit :D.

    Attached Files:

  5. DAYYYUM is that a corded phone?!
  6. Nop. I lol, the one that is behind me. Lol yep.
    CaziCookie and Sunny_Chicken like this.
  7. Lol didn't really think about the fact that you were using a phone to take the picture. :p
  8. He means why are you slouching. What did you think he meant :confused:?
    Sunny_Chicken likes this.
  9. That window ~_~ Sexy...
    Cchiarell6914 and Sunny_Chicken like this.
  10. Me no remember :p.
    Sunny_Chicken likes this.
  11. Sunny_Chicken likes this.
  12. Here's me I'm single... nuff said. :p
    EDIT = Yes I can defy gravity!
  13. Your abs show better when you slouch.
  14. True. Also, i just searched what was slouch. Lol, sorry, me not understand to much ingles :D.
    Sunny_Chicken likes this.
  15. Nop, in that moment i almost died XD.
    Sunny_Chicken likes this.
  16. I'm not one to take pics of myself and put them on the interwebs, so here's part of my face.
    Taken with my new iPod, so excuse me if it's bad quality. I am also doing this off of it and have no clue if it's even gonna show up. image.jpg
  17. I knew it.. I knew you were 60 years old man who loves wear short shorts.
  18. good, so I wasn't the only one who knew the truth.
    CaziCookie, PandasEatRamen and 607 like this.
  19. I saw that! lol
    PandasEatRamen, 607 and Sunny_Chicken like this.
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