Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2013 Edition)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Apr 28, 2013.

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  1. I think I might post a picture..... of my arm......
  2. You look very happy there...
    melk73 likes this.
  4. Lol that's the expression I normally have.

  5. Me and my big pictures.
    But I went to the zoo and found some very sassy ducks. After this the black and white one jumped into my lap and started eating the food straight from my hand. His name is Sassy duck.
  6. quak :D
    You might have seen some of my relatives there (or not)
    mba2012 and Jcplugs like this.
  7. He's suppa sasseh, are your relatives?
  8. Mahn, do ya know who ya talkin' to? I be da most sasseh duck in the pond yo
    Learned from mah relativz :cool:
    mba2012 and Jcplugs like this.
  9. Me, taken with phone camera!

    PenguinDJ, mba2012 and kuraudochuu like this.
  10. image.jpg

    Wanted to show one where u can actually see my hole face lol
  11. This was a "selfy" that I took a while back :D
  12. 12636_1228497443246_1553388337_591055_2100204_s.jpg addabak.jpg

    Attached Files:

    PenguinDJ and kuraudochuu like this.
  13. There's me :D
  14. huh, why did you quote the post but not say anything else?
  15. Awhh you're so cute >3<
    Baby_Cookies likes this.
  16. I'm not even sure how that happened.
  17. Thanks :) so are you !!
    kuraudochuu likes this.
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