North Korea has "entered" war with South Korea

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. He's 86 years old.
  2. Wow. I thought he died a few years back. Interesting. Good to see some people who have experience in this kind of thing warning them.
  3. Time to buy some beer and popcorn. :)
    *insert "dis gun be good" meme here*
  4. Basically yes, just got sit back and see what happens apparently talking to them isn't working
  5. Meanwhile...
  6. Just so you guys know, this is the US's missile range:
  7. Hm
  8. Tried, stupid forum isn't letting me post pictures again.

    Edit: Nvm.
    Jcplugs, mba2012 and fluffinator09 like this.
  9. I agree with you but if necessary we have no choice.
  10. ph man any1 remembers that one?
    britbrit3197 likes this.
  11. North Korea is the dude throwing the ball, america's the guy charging in through the door, and the hoop is South Korea.
    mba2012 and ninjaboy5656 like this.
  12. The ONLY way that it could turn into WW3 is if Russia and China got involved on behalf of NK, anyway.
    jkjkjk182 and mba2012 like this.
  13. And thats not going to happen as explained in my other posts... :p
  14. If NK dont get their crap together imma go over there myself and imma be like a mad girlfriend that caught her boyfriend cheating. If i hear one more army helicopter or plane go over my house from Base imma go nuts cant sleep or anything its like do that stuff in the morning.