If you are getting it for PC, get a guide to all the different menus and shortcuts. The main ones are: z = build menu (you will rarely use this unless bldg your base or making your first portable tech stuff) tab = inventory (for everything across tabs) and installing tech (note there is a tech section to backpack too) x = Recharging, scanning, comms, and a bunch of other stuff too. esc = The things you'd expect from esc, but wait there's more! Discoveries that you have to upload for nannites, log for current quests, etc. These are tabs across the top. Read up about installing tech for your backpack, manipulator and ship. I had no idea where I put stuff or how I arranged it made any difference. It matters, and it does not let you rearrange items you've installed or warn you that you're about to do something stupid. Also be sure to follow the starting out quests. I managed to cripple myself at first because I did not "ask for assistance" to a special NPC. I spent hours missing a crucial blueprint due to that. If Keph hadn't given me a link to a save file editor, I'd still be up the creek. Once the quest turns into "reach the center of the galaxy", you can relax and do your own thing.
God I'm still waiting for the starting quests to end. xD I want to find a good world to set up on and build a nice base. But I need to finish all the quests so I won't have to go far away from it after just getting it set up. Hopefully I'm nearly done and hopefully I'll find other kinds of planets besides ones that are either just filled with radiation or frozen. xD
Don't fret too much about the distance - every inhabited star system has a station with a teleporter that'll let you return home, and you can build one yourself once you learn the blueprint for it - eventually, you'll probably have a number of small 'outpost' bases on a dozen worlds. I will agree however that the "hunt" for that perfect homeworld can be taxing... Yellow stars have the highest chance of amenable planets. In my experience, temperate Moons tend to be more interesting than planets, and in a general sense they have a higher chance of being pleasant worlds. For your best shot at finding paradise, I'd say look to Yellow systems with loads of planets, or systems with several moons. Red systems have the best shot at "weird" worlds - glowing rocks, spore-clusters, broken monoliths, bubbles, etc. They're kind of a one-trick pony though, there's not much to them beyond novelty value. On a related note, I've continued to scout out & tag the nearby systems in my area. Found a lovely temperate world and a rather beautiful desert planet, among others.
Etho is now playing No Man's Sky with VintageBeef and uploading it to YouTube, so I'll get to know more about the game.
I play on PS4. I like the NEXT update, but I wish it hadn't deleted my base & stuff. I had to start a new game save file because too many things were just "broken"when I resumed my AR save.
It's finally begun. I'd been telling myself for the last week or more that I should start building a proper base on Tranquility... and today I made good on that. NMS doesn't really have the pieces I'd like to build a really impressive estate, but I'm still pretty happy with the results so far. When in doubt: glass everywhere! More windows! MOAR! ...*ahem* Well, it's a start anyway.
Just bought this. Was looking forward to the launch but financial restraints caused me to put it off. Then after the poor reception it was dropped from my want list. Since the latest update it has been getting great reviews not only from reviewers but also gamers and earned a place back onto my want list. The way I see it Hello Games could have just shelved No Man's Sky as a failure and moved on to something new. Instead they stuck with it, fixed it's issues and made improvements. This shows they have passion for this game.
Spent most of the last two days fussing with small outposts, sourcing various materials from planet types (hot, toxic, radiated, etc)... lots of progress but not terribly interesting. Been thinking I'll probably rework them again before I'm satisified. Unfortunately, this has lead to a lot of "staying up way too late," and completely wrecked my sleeping habits. Decided to call it an "early" night (at 5am), came home and played with the whiptails a little before quitting. I love these little guys. Feed 'em a bit of carbon and they get all snuggly.
Any tips for someone starting out? I've followed the prompts up to the visiting anomaly (if that makes sense).
It took me that long in the game just to figure out the blasted menus. Something I never would have figured out if my husband hadn't shown me - In the Discoveries Menu (accessed thru ESC and tab to far left), you have to upload the system, planet, animals, fauna, and markers by clicking each one. This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen, but watch the nannites roll in after doing that. Get the backpack upgrade in every space station you've visited. You can not only upgrade your "General" backpack storage, but also the "Cargo" section. Cargo will stack 500 materials like your starship. More hoarding! Hunt down all the "drop pods" you can. These also will get you more storage on your backpack. Instead of paying for them, you will need to use materials. https://nomanssky.gamepedia.com/Drop_Pod Get your first freighter and frigate (or two). You send them out and if they don't get damaged (cross fingers), they will go make you money and get you some harder to find materials. While you are in SP (no one else in game - there's a stupid bug if others are in your game), shoot asteroids for platinum, gold, silver, and tritium. Keep the tritium for your pulse engines. Keep 50-100 gold, 200 silver, and 100 platinum. Sell the rest for quick easy units. When you hit your first abandoned ship, do not do what I did. I repaired the entire thing like a dingbat. Unless you luck out and find a great ship, it's not worth it. Repair the thrusters and pulse engine. Go to the space station or your freighter and trade it for something, or you can just scavenge from the crash (deconstruct as much of it as you can). If you have put down a base computer and a blueprint analyzer, hunt down those Buried Technology markers (salvaged tech). The terrain tool will mine them out. I was hunting down a stack (15) or two, and then unlocking blueprints so I could build something nicer than my first wooden shack. Also, put down the medium refiner as soon as you get it. Unlike the portable one, it uses no fuel. You do not need any of this to be in a structure yet. You can just plunk it all down on the ground for now, and that's actually an easier way to start. After you start your base, there will be a series of base related quests. Following these will eventually get you to farming. You do not need to finish every quest from every person on your base to get to farming. To get people on your base though, you will need structures. Each person/station will need their own room. Depending on what you build with, you will need either a crapton of carbon or a dinosaur-herd-tonnage of pure ferrite. You will unlock glass and other cool stuff through these quests. Do not build your base near a holo/transmission tower (like I did). There is a known bug with one of the scientist quests. I ran smack into it. The 2 folks in the Anomaly will give you cool stuff. Go visit them, and visit again when prompted to do so
khixan covered most of it, so let me just add: -The multiplayer bug with shooting asteroids (or pirates) should be fixed. Don't be too shy about shooting them for materials, but DO keep an eye on your shields; if they mysteriously start dropping, best to stop. -Best to turn Network off unless you specifically intend for someone to join you. Base-building "permission" systems haven't been included yet, so any random could jump into your game and deconstruct your base. Hasn't happened to me yet, but it's a possibility. -Don't expect your first base to be a mansion. It takes a metric crapton of "salvaged technology" to unlock all the blueprints for base structures. In Minecraft terms, start with the wood-shack and worry about the quartz palace later. -Frigates are a very worthwhile investment. They run in real-time, so that '2hr' mission timer means you could send them out when you're done playing, go watch Netflix for a bit, and come back to find them returned, with loot. WARNING: People are pretty sure the second mission is coded to damage them, regardless of fleet strength, to teach you about frigate repair mechanics. Best to send one (and recall it when it gets banged up), to save some headaches. (I sent a fleet of 5 and spent an hour fixing them all up). -Whispering Eggs are a good source of income early on, but don't mess with them unless you're prepared to get away fast. The 'biological horrors' that spawn are extremely dangerous and it's suicide to stick around and fight them off (and they'll keep spawning as you kill them until the 'Swarm subsides') -Be sure to pick up the NMS Save Editor. For one reason or another, it's almost certain you'll want it eventually, whether it be to clean up old teleport locations, fix a progression bug, or just add a few slots to those Storage Containers to make them proper worthwhile vaults. My friend Hicks likes to remove the 'tetris' aspect to ship slots, so they're not scattered and missing bits. Speaking of friends! ...I got in a tussle with Sentinel ships the other day, and pissed 'em off so bad they sent a full-scale Dreadnaught after me. My ship's warp drive was 'disabled due to hostile forces' - the equivalent of Enemies Are Nearby, and I couldn't leave the system. Worse still, it was an 'uninhabited' system, so there was no space station to take cover on and let the alert level cool down. Hicks called in his freighter, which at least gave us a safe place to land. He was able to warp us out from there. Lesson learned, don't pick fights with toasters or you might get burned! On a lighter note, I paid a visit to khixan this morning as well. She reminded me we hadn't taken any 'group' pictures yet, so we quickly remedied that! And naturally, I picked that moment to blink. Because of course I did.
I really like your screenshots and how you managed to get a tigerish look for your character, Kephras
I actually wanted to do a Vy'Keen, but I couldn't make one I was happy with. Turns out Ti-Gek works pretty well, though it's still strange to me whenever I run into other Gek and they don't recognize me as such. Little cognitive dissonance going on there. "What do you mean you've never seen anything like me before? I look JUST LIKE YOU!" Meant to reply to this before, but I know that pain well. My old saves were from Pathfinder, I stopped playing when Atlas Rises ruined my home. Coming back was a bit of a shock, finding all the old 'obsolete' tech in what was my fully outfitted strike fighter... and of course, my lovely hauler went from this- -to something I won't dignify with an image. I'd say it's been worth it, despite the setbacks though. And I'd welcome you to share your own adventures & screenshots here too! As for the above hauler... I have yet to find its perfect twin in NEXT, as that particular combination of parts seems exceptionally rare (and then there's the matter of proper color), but I did happen across this beauty the other night while setting up my ice-planet base. Pretty close to the mark, and after flying it around for a bit, I have to admit the swan-neck is starting to grow on me. If and when we ever get the ability to paint & customize our ships, it won't matter quite so much, but for now, finding the right design AND color ship you're after is such a total crap-shoot, I feel very lucky to have gotten this close.
i played this game long ago when it first came out but it just got boring after a while cause you couldn't play with anybody else(i think they said you had a 99.99 percent chance of never seeing another player) so it wasn't really a mmo at that point it was a single player world
My first base. Do not build your first base next to a holotower like I did. Build later bases at one after you finish all the scientist quests. I still think it looks cool, but it did mess up my base quests. My current ship. I just like how it looks.
Been off seeing all the sights this weekend! Here's some highlights from the photo album... Turns out my desert world Canyon Rose has some pretty awesome undersea action, including this rather massive whale-like creature. Had a devil of a time trying to get a good pic of him! Rainy tropical world, prone to boiling-hot storms. Got caught out in one, this big fellow was kind enough to lend me some shelter. Sentinels - or as Hicks likes to call them, "toasters" - do not like it when you try to break into secure facilities. Or shoot wildlife. Or mine things. In fact, they're pretty cranky about you even existing. Took my old fighter out of the hangar for a bit. I got started doing the Atlas quests, and this one's got the best warp range. Plus, I hadn't used it in a while, between picking up my Exotic and that other Hauler. After seeing what Canyon Rose had to offer, I decided to make more of an effort in checking out underwater locations... found this neat cave system on a new tropical world, Paradise Gardens. Gorgeous planet, will definitely be making a home there in the future. Demon T-Rex trying to eat the moon. Stayed well away from this guy... Activating a Portal. Not my wisest decision, all things considered.
I have learned that Sentinels really really don't like it when you grab and take a Gravitino Ball. Took one and two of the normal hovering drones suddenly appeared. Along with a four legged dog like robot. I fought them off and they came back harder with a giant bipedal walker. At that point I ran the heck away. With a giant laser beam firing and following my movement. Thank god for a bunch of giant plants for cover. xD Then of course they brought in ships as soon as I got into orbit. Killed the two fighters and jumped to the nearest station as a fleet of reinforcements popped in next to the station. Am currently sitting inside the station. Afraid to leave. xD Who knew robots would get angry over me taking two glowing orbs worth 12,445 units each. Edit: Also got a few Ancient Keys from the location too. Didn't think the ruins would be so dangerous.
The Ancient Keys go to a chest near the center of that ruin - use the scanning visor and it should show you a treasurebox-icon ("ancient chest" or similar) underground. You need three to unlock. As for Sentinels, they likely won't bother you too much as long as you leave their precious balls alone. If you're still stuck in the station though, try using the teleporter there - Sentinel fighters are bloody persistent wretches!
My desire to make more money got the better of me. xD Especially since before that I had found a cluster of Sentient Plants that apparently had those same balls as a part of them. Got like 30 or more from all of them. The Sentinels really got mad though. Had to run for the hills yet again. Hopefully I can find that same ruin again and go back to it to find the chest.
Gravitino Balls, Sentient Plants, and Sac Venom will all earn you hate from the toasters. However, the pearls you get from Sentient Plants are the same as from Humming Eggs - which can be found underground in caves. Sentinels don't mind if you take those.