[NEW SUPERNATURAL SERIES] Apply for Cast & Crew & Start Watching Today!

Discussion in 'Share Your Let's Plays and Other Videos!' started by Aoi_Kaigara, Aug 14, 2020.

  1. Thank you for your interest!

    Tides Turn: A Minecraft Series -Synopsis

    Natalya Marx is a priceless mystery. She comes from another world unknown to most humans. Because of this, she’s on the run from the Experimental Development Information Directory, or E.D.I.D of the Earthly Empire. Natalya journeys for happiness. She dreams of when the government stops hunting her, and she won’t have to suffer to survive.

    “This wish will stay a dream, as everyone who doesn’t understand me will leave and take from me,” is the thought always cycling through her mind. As a result, trust doesn’t seem to be an option for Natalya. She’s pressing on without much resolve to live. At the very least, she knows she doesn’t want to regret how she dies. She doesn’t want to die in the hands of another.

    On her long journey to find peace, she encounters joy, love, determination, and many other positive feelings that she had been numb to for years. Journey with her on an exciting adventure. Stay by her side to help her find the meaning of trust again. Show her the way to the happiness you believe in so truly.

    Watch Tides Turn: A Minecraft Series now to engage in Natalya Marx’s story.

    Here's where you can apply for cast & crew in a Google Form (I shortened it using TinyURL):

    "Episode One: The Bright, Hot Sun and the Dark, Cold Girl" is scheduled on YouTube to open publicly at 7:45 PM (EMC time) on August 14, 2020.

    Here's the link to the episode that will open shortly:

    If you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns, please privately message Aoi_Kaigara or Seaphyre. DaybreakerMC may be able to help as well, depending on the what you're asking about. My Discord ID is Aoi_Kaigara#9493 and you can talk to me on there as well.

    I hope you enjoy our series and I wish you good luck for those who apply!
  2. I'm very excited for this one! It's been an awesome experience to work with Aoi_Kaigara, another creative mind, and help get her vision on screen. From what I know about the rest of this series, there are some truly fascinating things in store. You should check this one out, and if you do, I hope you enjoy it!
    Aoi_Kaigara likes this.
  3. Thank you, DaybreakerMC, for your kind words. I'm having a blast working with you as well, and I never thought I'd see the day when one of my scripts would actually transform into its final product. It's all thanks to our hard effort and your support. It's always nice to chat with people who have similar interests. Thanks again for helping me produce this series. I look forward to working with you on episode two.

    Anyone is welcome to fill out the form. We thank you, those who are supporting our series, and maybe you will choose to work with us too!

    Right now, I'm estimating two seasons and season two being a bit shorter. The plan I was thinking is to let out at least one episode every two weeks. We have the script of episode two written, but we won't need more actors/actresses until episode three.

    Once again, thank you all for your support. Let's make this series a fantastic one, together!
    DaybreakerMC likes this.
  4. I am going to correct myself on the series length. I sparked a new idea while in the shower this morning. xD So, it will at least change to season 2 being longer, maybe leading to three seasons. Thank you for your support! I am super excited to turn this idea into a virtual reality
    DaybreakerMC likes this.
  5. We've got 1 submission so far! We need YOU, with dedication and hard work to help us bring out the best of the series!

    Please support us and join us as viewers or cast & crew.

    We still need cinematographers (camera people), voice actors/actresses, in-game actors/actresses (can be voice as well). We need skin designers as well.

    If you have a role you'd like to ask of us, we'd LOVE to hear it. Ages are no restriction, but you must take this seriously with your best effort. I thank you all for your current and future support. Please apply now at: https://tinyurl.com/tidesturnapplication

    Thank you so much! Please comment here if you have any questions about what we would do as a team. You can also PM me, Seaphyre, or DaybreakerMC. We'll let you know ASAP.
    DaybreakerMC likes this.
  6. My alt, old Seaphyre, has changed her name to Aoi_Kaseki. Please contact me, my alt, or DaybreakerMC when you have questions, comments, or concerns.