New Development Blood....

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Aikar, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. What does the debate center around (like what aspect)?:p
    DogsRNice likes this.
  2. EVERYTHING. Price, specs, potatoes, keyboard cats.. You name it.
  3. Welcome Hattori!
    I expect to see Samurai-Zombies in the near future on EMC :D
    DogsRNice likes this.
  4. Can you hide a camera next time they come over, because I'd love to hear one of these interesting conversations lol.
  5. Potatos!!?! :p
    Cchiarell6914 and DogsRNice like this.
  6. Welcome Hatori! EMC is really going to grow with Aikar and a new developer to work on new things.
    I like! It should be done pretty quickly because it seems like a a pretty simple thing to code and that I know Hatori will be capable to do it.
    DogsRNice likes this.
  7. yes, those debates can get very heated and tend to be very legendary lol.
  8. Welcome to Empire Minecraft :)
    DogsRNice likes this.
  9. great now i want mashed potatoes :/

    oh and welcome to the team hattori!
  10. The post mentioned hes already completed it =P
  11. Umm after the 1.7 update dragon tombs is the next and main thing solar is working on.
    DogsRNice likes this.
  12. Oh, yay!
    DogsRNice likes this.
  13. No
    DogsRNice likes this.
  14. Sweet! For the past few months I've been learning how to code with Bukkit. I'm decent enough but I can't do anything that's very useful. Hopefully when I get better I can help with bugs, features, and everything alike.
    DogsRNice likes this.
  15. I doubt I will need to hide a camera. I'll just use my webcam and point it in their direction... Hehehe.
    I am going to get so internet famous.
  16. Welcome and Gratz Hatori and thank you for your time and effort into EMC.

    I know with this winning team we will.....Boldly Go Where No Server Has Gone Before!!

    DogsRNice, hatorijr and BevK56 like this.
  17. Here *mails one of my 400 packets of cheesy mashed potatos* That shall fill you for a while.
    DogsRNice likes this.
  18. Welcome to the coding team Hatori!
    DogsRNice likes this.
  19. Welcome Hatori, with you and Aikar working on the Empire, there nothing but awesome things in the Empire's future!
    DogsRNice and hatorijr like this.
  20. So gunna bring that topic up. I'm the same way with my uncle and all the computer shops that are located around me (those guys in the shop know crap all)
    DogsRNice likes this.