Netherspleef Tonight!

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Jun 29, 2016.

  1. I wish I could make it, sadly I cannot :(
  2. Must. Win. This. Thing.
    nuclearbobomb and wonderwoman_16 like this.
  3. Yay! love me some nether spleef! thanks for bringing it out tonight <3
    wonderwoman_16 likes this.
  4. I cant make it =\ too much hw
    wonderwoman_16 likes this.
  5. Awesome! I can't wait! :)
  6. Can't make this one so have fun without me guys lol
  7. I'm in first photo!:p
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  8. This is why there were less than 15 people at the last round of the event :p:

    NuclearBobomb and Duflet like this.
  9. Next event: November 9th, 2016
    DrMadFate and UltiPig like this.
  10. Probably cant make it to this one...
  11. I am gonna try to make it
  12. Expect us... we are coming.

    Edit:Except me, who suddenly can't come. Thanks life. I'll be there in spirit.
  13. My fave event, hyped
  14. I played this once, was clearly still alive on the netherrack wall but the staff declared someone the winner. I'm not upset or mad just stating a fact. Perhaps that is out of bounds. Not sure....I'll play again at somepoint
  15. Yes, that would have been out of bounds.
    DrMadFate, Skelemas2k16 and MajorHaze like this.
  16. I hope there"ll be a Wacky wild Wednesday when there's Christmas break, then I'll might actually make it.