Need help with formatting signs

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by KaliaLlama, Jul 18, 2023.


Why can't KaliaLlama format her signs?

Poll closed Aug 17, 2023.
She lacks reading comprehension (i.e. she missed something important in the wiki). 0 vote(s) 0.0%
There seems to be a bug with sign formats (Chickens sometimes break things). 1 vote(s) 100.0%
I have no idea, I'm just here because I like polls! 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I can't seem to format any new signs I place. Followed the wiki -
    Copy/pasted the § symbol followed by the formatting code. While I'm editing the sign it shows up in the color I want, but after I click Done it reverts to black.

    Example: Trying to make a sign with white text ...
    Placed sign
    Ctrl+v the § symbol then typed f
    Typed text "test" (shows white while typing)
    Clicked "Done"
    Sign displays the text "test" in black

    Tried it with and without spaces between the formatting code and "test" text, no difference.
    I am playing with my main account on a res owned by my alt, but based on what I read on the site that shouldn't make a difference.

    Feeling pretty dumb here so any tips are appreciated! :p
  2. It's not working for me either. I spent ages trying and other players were trying to help but when I click Done the formatting was reverting for me too. I decided to just leave signs alone for a while and see if it will get fixed.

    Chickeneer said this in the 1.20 update post "Everything about Signs has been completely rewritten due to changes in 1.20 (addition of hanging signs and signs being reopenable and signs being double-sided). This includes shop signs, lock signs, access signs. I will give an in depth explanation on these later".
    KaliaLlama likes this.
  3. Fred_TWK and KaliaLlama like this.
  4. Ooh thanks Raayn, that finally worked for me! I had tried using the command before but I was missing the < > symbols so it wasn't working. And now I've discovered that the color options for signs are almost limitless, so I guess now I'll be spending the next several hours reformatting the signs on all of my residences. :D
    LindenNZ, Fred_TWK and Raaynn like this.
  5. Haha, me too. I love the new sign command, find it works just great!
    KaliaLlama likes this.