Nation of Snowv

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by ocelot3101, Mar 26, 2014.

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  1. April Fools...
  2. Bump,we need new citizens!
  3. Hey I figured I would pop in and umm could you fix that area where it ways you own the mushroom island, its Estonan territory :)
  4. Okay!

    Snowv Chronicle
    Losing Mushroom Island?
    Could this mean a island full of resources is lost?If it does,read onto the next Article...
    Snowv Federal Administrative District of Isleonia Founded
    The first Administrative District was founded at 13.10 PM GMT 11/04/2014.This island is being constructed,and there is hope for a new mine,which will cover the Mushroom Island lost,as we search the map for more Mushroom Islands.
    Government Request
    Hello,today we ask all Citizens something very important.We need Citizens to make colonies.The Citizen who makes the colony will become a Governor.

  5. Snowv Chronicle

    New Citizens
    A new citizen,Adamworsley1 has arrived!
    Please give him a big welcome to Snowpolis!
  6. Okay,I need someone to write me a National Anthem.
  7. Just search the web for some songs that's what we did
  8. Find a songwriter :)
  9. Okay,we need Citizens help to decide on the currency!
    We have two choices:
    Written Books or Snowballs & Snow Blocks.
  10. Ide go with snowballs :3 but im not a citezen
  11. Well,I still want input from everyone...
  12. Cool
    hey want to get on?
  13. Snowv proudly announces and welcomes...
    General (PM kitten3101 to apply) of SMP9!
    General (Reserved) of SMP8!
    General (PM kitten3101 to apply) of SMP7!
    General (PM kitten3101 to apply) of SMP6!
    General (PM kitten3101 to apply) of SMP5
    General (Reserved) of SMP4!
    General (PM kitten3101 to apply) of SMP3!
    General (PM kitten3101 to apply) of SMP2
    General (PM kitten3101 to apply) of SMP1!
    We reccomend not picking your home server to be General on,unless you don't mind being a 4 hour trip from Spawn...
    All new Outposts will be built outside the 5000 Block limit,due to the fact we now want players to actually be able to apply for registered status,unlike Central Snowv.
    The "General" is in charge of all Snowv Outposts on a server,and rules over "Colonels",who run the Regiments of Snowv Outposts...
  14. In other words,Generals rule over Federal Administrative Regions,and Colonels rule over Federal Administrative Districts...
    (Great,it means we're making a new National Hall in other words...)
    (If you want to build the new National Hall,PM me to apply!)
  15. We are now starting a Neorepublicification Idea.
    We will have a General for each Server,like the NR.
    We will have our own Currency,like the NR.
    We will be INDEPENDENT!,like the NR.
    We won't fail,unlike the NR.
    And,we're making a New City in a Plains biome.
    We will name it "New Inzonio".
  16. i just hope you dont fail ... like the NR .... also, were not too keen on the new city being called new Inzonio, we are currently planning to rejuvenate the city, is there any way possible you could choose a new name, in the spirit of democracy ?
    mba2012 likes this.
  17. Ahh,we named it New Inzonio since I liked Inzonio so much.
    But,we can name it Meerkatpolis instead...
  18. And can I join the Grand East Empire discussion?
  19. We have a alert,A ENRAGED SKELETON IS ON THE LOOSE!!!
    golddigger221 likes this.
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