My Villager Breeder / Farm Doesn't work

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by SnowSpawn, Aug 19, 2017.

  1. For some reason, my villager breeder won't work. I used the normal "infinite Breeder Box" Type of farm, and I DO get hearts appearing above the villagers' heads, but no babies show up. The villagers i have are 1. a farmer 2. a librarian 3. a blacksmith and 4. another librarian (This one is in the Infinite Breeder Box)
    But what i am wondering is, is their a feature or plugin that prevents my type of breeder?
  2. Have you fed them? It's possible 1 has food and is trying to breed but has nooone to breed with.
  3. well, i have given them several stacks of food (Such as carrots, potatoes, and wheat) i also have a big farm for the farmer
  4. Check for any doors on your res and make sure there is always only 1 farmer in there at all times. (Excluding babies). Also neighbors residences with doors can affect the farm depending where yours is. On the normal size res, it's harder to have one so middle is best bet otherwise utopia is perfect and usually without issues.
  5. I tried to do that about a year or so ago and suffered over it before giving up. I started a thread too and everyone had suggestions and none worked. Maybe it will be better for you. I then started more of a conventional one and I can get 100+ villagers a day.
  6. I am out in the wilderness. also, at some points I have seen two villagers who have hearts above their heads and pressing their noses together, but no baby shows up :(
    Also, do iron doors count as doors to villagers?
    EDIT: i can't break all the doors in my base because my friend placed two of the doors. -_-
  7. They do not.
  8. WOAH!! could i give you the location of my base so you can drop by and help with some stuff? i am trying to make cool farms for my base...
  9. k thanks
  10. I have the same problem, I get good Iron Golem spawns but no villagers even when they are making hearts and with the entity count down around 25% which seems ridicules.
    What I found is that if I have only 2 or 3 villagers in the spawn area they will start to spawn baby villagers but then stop as soon as there are 4 or 5 villagers in the same area. To me this seems to be a server restriction some how and needs to be adjusted.

    I also made have low mob spawns in my mob traps and I made a squid spawn area and not one single squid spawned (ever) which seems ridicules also. I even readjusted my mob spawn level with no effect.

    Another observation of creepers spawning right next to me and even right next a torch has happened which is unacceptable.

    So, I believe there is something wrong with the mob spawn mechanics. It would be nice to get it fixed.
  11. What kind of design are you using? Also how many blocks away from the farm are the babies being sent?
  12. I have a village farm that has crops and a brown shirt villager that gathers and plants, above is an Iron Golem spawn and collection area. A false village with 10 villagers above should keep them breeding. Babies move around and fall down were they grow and then transported by minecart far away to a base for sorting.
    The breeder villagers make hearts and I am get an occasional baby villager now and then but not as it should be. All this would work great if I could get a good spawn rate.

    Special NOTE to ADMINS about your OLD threat message and Policy

    I never consider a thread on issues as OLD if the subject is still pertinent. And starting a new thread is redundant, a waist and confusing to anyone looking for information on the topic being discussed. I suppose information given about other past versions should be labeled and file under those outdated versions.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  13. That's just there as a general recommendation, not as a policy. You can't get in trouble for posting on old threads (as long as the post is on topic, of course). Often times, the content of old threads is outdated, so it's better to start a new thread with new or updated information.

    For example, the OP was last seen on the forums in September of last year, meaning they likely won't ever see any replies to this thread. Since the thread was originally started to help them fix their villager breeder, the topic isn't very relevant. You would be better actually making your own thread, since you would get more specific support for the issues your having.

    As for the villager breeder itself, there are multiple threads here on the forums that explain how villager breeders work. There are no EMC mechanics that affect villager breeders, and they work very good on here. (Edit: There are some minor EMC changes, but nothing that is difficult to work around. Just follow the tips in the threads below, and you will be fine.) I know this, because I actually have built a few of them myself that work amazingly.

    Here are 2 other threads which have gone into detail explaining villager mechanics on EMC, as well as sharing video tutorials for farms that have worked for others (I posted on both these threads as well, with my explanation for how I got villager breeding working):
  14. I am well versed in the mechanics of villagers and different breeders but the ones I made still do not produce as they should. I keep a close eye on the entity count and have scoured the area for dungeons.
    In the course of 1 full day I will produce 1 villager if I am lucky and half a chest of iron which seems rather slim for the villager output. I see the villagers making hearts but not any baby villagers so this tells me there is something wrong with the mechanics.
  15. Unless you are standing still directly above or below (any height) the breeding will be very slow since they will move slower when you are not in direct range. My breeder on utopia usually yields me a stack+ per day.