My Other Self and Possibly.. Depression?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by SuperVal_Junior, Nov 15, 2013.

  1. Totally agree with alex, EMC can be very supportive but professional help is always the best option.
    SuperVal_Junior likes this.
  2. I have absolutely nothing to say because im never any help to anyone, but this sounds a bit like the show " Do No Harm "

    I think we all suffer from depression in a way, some more severe and others not. The good thing is, most are only depressed for so long. Life turns around at some point.

    I find my depression comes from boredom..
    Jcplugs and SuperVal_Junior like this.
  3. SuperVal_Junior likes this.
  4. I've delt with depression before, and I was almost a victim of suicide twice. All I can say is that suicide is NEVER the answer.
    SuperVal_Junior and 607 like this.
  5. I think your lucky this only happens at night, I'm a antisocial hermit 24/7 :p

    But like other's said tell a good friend (a true friend will be there for you)

    Or try doing activity's that make you happy:) for me that's drinking some ice cold orange juice or watching a good anime (I just watched heavens lost property & sekirei both very funny)

    Also theirs a u tube thing called "the secret" it not a life changing thing they make it seem, but it works for your emotions. Don't focus on things you feel bad a bought or that bother you, give your attention to the things in life that make you happy.
    SuperVal_Junior likes this.
  6. I read through what all people said and sometimes agreed, sometimes disagreed. There's one thing I would like to ask you: Are you a christian? Do you seek your help in God? It can really, really help.
  7. Hey the buddy.

    We all know how you are feeling, each of us experiencing little snippets of what you have. It may seem like I'm just repeating everyone else and indeed I am. And there is a reason. I find repetition is the best way to solve this problem without professional help. Although, living in such a large family, I can't afford professional help but it is the best and only sure way of getting cured.

    My situation is the same. For anyone who doesn't know, I am currently taking Roaccutane. A very strong drug to clear acne. Alone with its nearly 100% success rate, comes drastic side effects. Just googling alone will reveal hundreds of them.

    I get the exact same way as you and it started when I was prescribed this medication. Exactly the same. Now my medication is at the peak, I'm feeling more than ever.

    The key here is to seek professional yes. But for the time being just do what you can that requires deep concertration. For me. It's organised this on EMC, or planning a day with a special someone. Another thing, spend time with the people you love and enjoy. If you have a partner, let them know. I told my partner and she has been ever so considerate. This alone has helped me oh heaps.

    Now my question for you: are you taking any medication?

    On behlaf of EMC, we hope we can help you out for the short term and that you are able to get professional help soon. :)
    607 likes this.
  8. I had to go earlier, but wasn't done, so here I will continue.

    I think it is important to know that depression is a medical condition and not the same as just having a bad mood. Many people have made suggestions on how to shake off a bad mood, and while they are trying to be helpful, it can cause extreme frustration, because it doesn't work the same and can even make things worse. The feeling that nothing works or no one can help with the condition can go to thoughts of self harm.

    Depression is a condition of the mind and body that has different results for different people. It is a generic term that covers many types of 'mental' illnesses, but despite the implied 'only in your mind' that is often far from true. There are MANY real and serious physical conditions that cause "depression". Farther testing is frequently required and I doubt many people find a cure for their depression through talk therapy alone!!!

    I personally have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, it's not the snoring kind, it's due to some sort of systemic norilogical problem. I simply forget to breath when I am asleep. this results in repeated oxygen deprivation and shock. I become angry, bipolar, antisocial, and just plain crazy with a side of beans:confused:

    Antidepressant medication helped me through some of my symptoms, but I never got any real relief until a doctor found the sleep apnea and I got equipment to treat it. I feel better than I have for most of my life when I keep up with my treatment, but I still have bad moments and minor setbacks. Talking with a therapist helped my get past the feelings of confusion and hurt to keep looking for a real solution.

    I am not saying that you have sleep apnea, it could be any of 100 things. It could be vitamin D or blood sugar problems or food allergies (yes that's a real thing) or many, many things that are not your fault. There may be no amount of 'trying to feel better' on your part that will help at all until you get to the root problem.

    Often medication is the first thing doctors will offer, and if it's as bad as you say, you may want to consider giving it a try if they suggest. Not as a cure, but as a way to better manage until you have better tools and understanding about why and what you need to do. Hurting yourself is a sure sign that it's time to get some outside help.

    Antidepressants and mood stabilizers are complex treatments and it may take multiple tries to find something that can help, but the process doesn't start until you contact a professional with experience in treating conditions of this nature.

    I know that I felt a great sense of relief when I realized that I had lots of treatment options and that I was in some control over improving my own condition after feeling out of control for so long.

    We love you. You are worth whatever the cost to get well. Everyone in your life will happier when a good person like you gets the help you need and is back to being yourself all the time.
    607 and SuperVal_Junior like this.
  9. Try getting more sleep :)
    SuperVal_Junior likes this.
  10. Hmm I probably wouldn't bring religion into this, it doesn't really have anything to do with he matter... But SuperVal I'll be sending you a message :)
    SuperVal_Junior likes this.
  11. I'm glad that you came to us for help it makes us feel good that you trust us :) My best advice is 1.) to discuss it with your parents. Now this might be hard at first, I know it was for me. I have experienced the same thing your are going through but probably with different scenarios. I was afraid to talk to my parents but then they forced me and that didn't make it better. But when I did have to talk with them they understood what I was saying and made me feel much better. Your parents have a lot of experience and are a good source. If you don't feel like talking to them despite what I have said, then I would seek out someone who you can talk to. Next for the night and day thing get a sun lamp. I used to have one because I got sad at night and mad but when I had this lamp I felt much better. It's a good investment. I don't know if any of this has already been said but I hope that you will consider what I have said. :)
  12. Another post of nothing helpful, but after a year of internet use, i can safely say that more than 80% of all people from 10-18 years old will think about/attempt suicide at some point. thats some pretty crazy stuff.
  13. Super_Val,
    Best of luck to you. I can only tell you about my own personal experience, if that helps. I grew up a bit socially awkward. It was a stranger in a strange land type of thing. Trying to understand my place in the world. We all go through that. The only thing that truly help me grow was improving basic communication skills. These are baby steps. But when I was able to grow in confidence first in writing and later speaking in public and later relating to friends and then relating to females. I was wondering what the heck was I afraid of all that time.

    It's corny but I have read at least a thousand self help books. The best thing I had ever read were books on socratic logic. How to formulate logical arguments through a question and answer format. I also read a ton of books about religion. I won't bore you with the details but the gist of Christianity is that we don't understand why we're here or why there is so much suffering but Christ showed us that we can all make each other's lives better and make the world a better place. That we are duty bound to be angels to each other. Cheers.
    just_five_fun and Luckygreenbird like this.