My 100th day... stuff :D

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by kevdudeman, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. I'm just celebrating 100 as a milestone, not a massive day count :p
    yankees518 likes this.
  2. :) I hear ya
  3. I think I can get on!
  4. 7 central right?
  5. Yessir
    penfoldex likes this.
  6. Well congrats on staying here that long! ^^
    If you don't mind, I may come to this party. It's 5pm right now for me. :3
  7. I want to come T^T
    kevdudeman likes this.
  8. Dang it. Wifi isn't strong enough to support minecraft. I might come, might not.
  9. Started!
    yankees518 likes this.
  10. Any idea when it will start? seeing your not ready and all
  11. is it still on? i just hit my 300th day yesterday
  12. Anyway, this party was a blast and I'm glad all of you were able to come, I gave away 21,600 rupees and a triple grinder, and I hope you all can make it to the 150th, until then... Here's a big fancy picture of us all :D

    EDITORIO: That picture fails, I'll add a new one soon
    Steven7485 and yankees518 like this.
  13. i made it for the group photo, but nothing else D:

  14. This was the group photo, done at the end. I had a bit of a slowdown, and like half the people left :/. But, these ones stayed, and even if you didn't, I was glad you came. I won't say anymore "awmg thx 4 com 2 parte", and will end with my hopes that you'll come to the 150th :)
    yankees518 and SunnyDayz100 like this.
  15. And I missed it. D: