Mojang is aware of SOPA

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by GameKribNow, Jan 16, 2012.

  1. 'MERICA!

  2. lol indeed. thanks for the correction Jeremy XD.
  3. We think not.
  4. lol.. yeah.. hand me a ticket.. i tried. i stayed off my computer for a full 8 hours.. and just could not do it anymore.
    GameKribJEREMY and Crazy1080 like this.
  5. Woah, so did I!

    (Because I was asleep. :p)
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  6. well i wasnt XD. I had to go to a gym at 5:30 A.M. and run around because the army thinks it is fun.
  7. i hope this law doesnt pass :/
  8. A list of key anti-SOPA companies, people, and websites.

    1. The EFF
    2. The ACLU
    3. 4chan
    4. Mojang
    5. Ron Paul
    6. Facebook
    7. Encyclopædia Dramatica
    8. Google
    9. Yahoo
    10. eBay
    11. Mozilla
    12. reddit
    13. AOL
    14. Microsoft
    15. Godaddy - After getting boycott for supporting it.
    16. Sony
    17. EA
    18. Nintendo
    19. The New York Times
    20. The inventors of the Internet
    21. BSA
    22. Joe Biden
    23. Nancy Pelosi
    24. Conservapedia
    25. The entire European Union
    26. The Free Software Foundation
    27. Wikipedia
    28. Every Libertarian who hates the Feds
    29. The 99%
    30. Barack Hussein Obama
    31. Even You!
    My apologizes to those of you with OCD....

    As a person who doesn't approve of the two bills' unintended consequences, I find all this opposition pretty cool.
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  9. I think this will make the whole Minecraft community angry and I think it should not go on I mean I have to download it everytime to I can't play Minecraft.:(
  10. The Obama Administration has announced that it does not support SOPA (at least, not as it is currently written). Obama will likely veto this bill if it passes.
  11. I also agree, Many people are FREAKING out about this strange topic, which doesn't surprise me.I think people should start calming down and notice that this will never happen and that the government isn't trying to take away the internet.Which brings me another thought to my mind, if the government where to take away major sites, the president would be living in a bunker for the rest of his life. XD
  12. "One day you're going to find that cuts both ways..."
    - Vladimir Makarov

    Foodmaster93 likes this.
  13. 1. Obama promised to bring troops out of Iraq within 6 months of taking office.
    2. While this didn't happen as soon as planned, he did say within the first 6 months of taking office that the troops would be out of Iraq by 2011
    3. Obama started secret peace talks with the Taliban in Afghanistan a year ago and is making considerable progress.
  14. If they are so "secret" how do you know? Also, why is he negotiating with terrorists?
    I don't like where America has been heading in the last 10 years.. This is a sad state of affairs and it is only going to get worse...
  15. Because Obama is a spineless sellout.
  16. I can't comment on number 3 as I haven't heard of this...but #1 + #2 is what makes me really feel cheated by him. He knew that telling us he'd take them out in 6 months would get a lot of votes. He also knew he wouldn't have to keep that promise and conveniently pull them out right around election time again, making him look "awesome".
  17. LOL.
    You guys are still luckier than me. Here where I lived also have problem but I can't speak of it.
    They're gonna kill me for that. 91 people have died for the cause of democracy.
    They all gone in 1 day :(
    The previous PM is suck and noob
  18. Unfortunately, tactics like these have been used before. That doesn't make it right, of course, but in all honesty it is really nothing new. I do see where you are coming from though, I definitely don't support the manipulation of our troops like that. I do, however, believe that Obama wishes to see an end to this war as soon as possible, but he is making serious errors in judgement on fighting the war. Admittedly, it isn't his strong point.

    However, sorry to go off topic like that, my fault.
  19. The secret peace talks were on the news not too long ago. I will see if I can find the report on it for you.
    I, personally, believe that Obama is negotiating with terrorists because he sees America as being tired of fighting. I grew up during this war-time. This has been going on my entire life. I would like to see an end to this and get to know what peace-time is like. Also, one of the terms of the peace talks is that the Taliban renounce terrorism.
    Sure, its one thing for them to say something and a completely different thing for them to do it.
    But, I believe it is definitely a step in the right direction, considering nearly 10 years ago the Taliban was harboring terrorists despite multiple warnings from our government that it would result in war with Afghanistan. The fact that the Taliban is willing to renounce terrorism is encouraging, and while it doesn't quite mean that this is set in stone, it can be soundly argued that this could be a landmark that points toward this end of this long war.

    EDIT: Here is a link to an article about the secret peace talks. The information I provided may be a little dated, so if you read this, please correct me on anything I may be wrong about.
    Twitch1 likes this.
  20. Kudos to you. I understand your point. We have very similar views on this but their are points that I feel more strongly about in a different light. I will not push my political views any further... I am not permitted to as it is known I serve in the U.S. Army and it is against the UCMJ for me to get to far into it... My views are not those of the government and for that I will not provide incriminating statements of specific nature... :)
    Racialslur likes this.