Modify Iron Supporter Status

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by KatydidBuild, Mar 15, 2020.

  1. I think there should be a modification to the Iron level supporter.
    It is difficult to tell who the iron supporters are. The light gray name with the regular players being white, is very very similar. Can the iron supporter playername be changed? Like adding an outline of white and a darker grey or .... something.
    Or do I misunderstand and that was part of the plan all along - to have the iron level be a little more 'incognito' than the other levels?

    607 likes this.
  2. That would be hard to do since they use the ingame color-code for the names. I do not believe there is an outline or anything along those lines in the base game but anything can be added through plugins ig?
    607 and KatydidBuild like this.
  3. We wouldn't be able to do any special outline, etc

    Bolding would look out of place against the rest.

    There's a darker gray, but it's not really iron. That color was chosen because it's just the color of iron, not to make it not stand out or anything.
    607, UltiPig and Stnywitness like this.
  4. To inspire thoughts on this suggestion. I want to point everyone to the /colors command. That will give you an idea what our limitations are for colors.
    HazardousCode and 607 like this.
  5. Perhaps maybe something like baby blue? I am not in game right now but if I recall correctly, there's a light blue color that would be very different from the blue of diamond supporter.
  6. The developer rank does have that color. Definitely a negotiable change. Other than Iron matches the light gray color...
  7. The way it appears in chat now with one iron among tons of white.

    The options:

    8,7,f in order to show comparison and that 8 is hard to read because of shadow.

    At this time, there is no reason to change the color of iron. It isn't 'in your face' different, but it's different enough to not be white. The only other thing I would see is an additional modifier that would indicate all supporters. Even then, we have one set for staff and I wouldn't want people getting confused over that. We've had iron look this way since we started and not had many complaints. I think it's fine as is.
  8. The right honer able human (aka me) retracts the last statement that was made by them
  9. I would personally enjoy a new color for the rank, but yes, since this is not really duable, and the only other options aren't the best, I think it is good how it is rn.
  10. I vote move gold to the bottom and add netherite to the top
    Tuqueque and jacob5089 like this.
  11. Always the option of changing iron, gold, diamond into gold, diamond, netherite ;)
    HazardousCode and ItsMeWolffpack like this.
  12. and code c for the chat. :aikar:
  13. Flip the iron and Nonsupporter color perhaps
  14. ?
  15. Well I think shiny whiter color when I think iron such as the color name normal players have currently. Essentially switch the colors is my suggestion.
    KatydidBuild and Stnywitness like this.
  16. I don't mind it being subtle, to be honest. :p
    ItsMeWolffpack likes this.
  17. I find the current iron supporter name difficult to read, and would not appreciate all normal players appearing like that.
  18. Well that would be a perk of iron, easier to read name whereas now it's a sort of burden
    607 likes this.