[Mob Suggestion] Spiderius The Spider King

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by belac555, Jun 11, 2018.


Do you like the special mobs the empire has now?

Poll closed Jan 7, 2019.
yes 9 vote(s) 40.9%
no 4 vote(s) 18.2%
Kinda 9 vote(s) 40.9%
  1. Hello to all of my fellow members and to the staff and developers of empire.I have created a new Overworld Mob called Spiderius The Spider King

    General Description

    It would be kinda like the Momentus in size but that's where the similarities end.It would look like a regular spider but be much bigger.

    This mob will spawn deep in underground caves and sometimes in player made mines.It would be a rare version of a cave spider.

    Battle initiation:
    At low-mid difficulties, similar to already existing bosses, such as Marlix and Momentus, she will be neutral and ignore the player until damaged.It would be like a Spider in daylight harmless until attacked.At higher difficulties It would be like a spider at night and automatically attack you.

    Battle: It would be like fighting a Momentus in spider form


    -Poison Shot.It would send a wave of poison out in front of it higher teir poison the closer you are and the higher difficulty you have on.
    -Ground Shake.It would jump up a little and fall down causing AOE damage to all players in the area
    -Web shot.It would send out a bunch of webs dirested at the player.The higher difficulty you have on the more webs come out and on diff 10 it would also give you slowness 1.
    -Summon The Spider King's Minions.Once he hits half health he summons in 5 spider minions which are just enraged spiders
    -Fear(this was created from my fear of spiders).It would cause every hit the spider did to have knockback 5(because when i see a spider move i run away).

    I have made a entire list of drops.
    It could drop spider eyes on lower difficulties like 1-3
    It would have a chance to drop The Spider King's Pincer which would be a weapon that has sharpness 3 and knockback 2 and the chance for this get higher as the difficulty increases.
    And last but certainly not least
    The Spider Kings Web.It would be a spider web that gives slowness when it hits players


    Long ago before even the empire was thought of there existed an empire of spiders.The empire had formed when
    spiders were first created by Notch.They were ruled by a wise and noble king.Who ruled fairly and with justice.Sadly all good things must come to an end.The King's second son wishing to be king but knowing he never could be devised a devious plan.He would trap his father in a cave of stone sealing him away for all eternity.When he succeeded in trapping his father and became king he ruled with an iron fist and turned spiders into what they are today.All this time the rightful king has been trapped away kept alive by the thought of revenge.He was freed by Herobrine to wreak havoc on the world.Now since the kingdom has long since fallen he has gone insane and takes out his wrath for being forgotten on mortal players utterly destroying them and so begins Spiderius The Spider King

    So how do you all like it and please be honest.I really hope you all do like it.:):):)
    Please comment what you think down below as well as if you think if this will work on emc
  2. Oops, I meant to vote Yes. Stupid phone.
    belac555 likes this.
  3. and no comment on the post?:eek::eek::eek:
  4. That’s a cool lore
    belac555 likes this.
  5. For the poison spit it would spit like a llama would to inflict the poison?
    belac555 likes this.
  6. i dont like this b/c spiders usually creep me out...

    so +1 from me! ^.^

    sounds like a really scary new mod.
  7. yes but it would be like a wave of spit since its so big and i don't think that it would be a visible wave cause i don't think that they could do that
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  8. +9001
    belac555 likes this.
  9. Its over 9000!!
    ProgressMaster likes this.
  10. I finished the lore


    Long ago before even the empire was thought of there existed an empire of spiders.The empire had formed when
    spiders were first created by Notch.They were ruled by a wise and noble king.Who ruled fairly and with justice.Sadly all good things must come to an end.The King's second son wishing to be king but knowing he never could be devised a devious plan.He would trap his father in a cave of stone sealing him away for all eternity.When he succeeded in trapping his father and became king he ruled with an iron fist and turned spiders into what they are today.All this time the rightful king has been trapped away kept alive by the thought of revenge.He was freed by Herobrine to wreak havoc on the world.Now since the kingdom has long since fallen he has gone insane and takes out his wrath for being forgotten on mortal players utterly destroying them and so begins Spiderius The Spider King

    So how do you all like it and please be honest.I really hope you all do like it.:):):)
  11. I love it! My opinion for the Pincer would be to increase the knockback. Since the spider hits you with such knockback I think it’s drop should have a high ench on it.
  12. ok yeah i'll think about it and thanks
  13. Can spiders be mega sized? I didn't think they could, being that EMC has to work within vanilla mc. Momentus is a Giant, which is a different mob than a zombie and can be spawned in with commands in normal vanilla mc, even single player. Marlix is also all vanilla, he's just a skelly riding an invisible bat. This is a cool idea but I don't think it's possible.

    I think a mega slime would be cool :p When you spawn a slime in with /summon there is a size value, which for naturally spawning slimes is 1-3. But with the command you can make the value whatever you want, making slimes that dwarf momentus.
    belac555 likes this.
  14. As marvel said, it would be impossible (or at least, extremely difficult) to make a spider the size of a momentus. -1 from me.
  15. The idea of an underground miniboss is really good though, being that the other two spawn just anywhere. I feel like my giant slime idea could work for that as well.

    Honestly though I think we should just start with more enraged mobs. Enraged spider? Sticks you in webs or something? We always had the joke of enraged endermen that would tear off their leggs so they can fit under 2 blocks. (They could just be coded to have their feet inside the bottom block, or riding an invisible silverfish so it looks like they're crouching) As if endermen aren't already so OP.
    belac555 likes this.
  16. I like, +1
    belac555 likes this.
  17. Perhaps everything you mentioned except the size - Enraged Spider Boss - Some particle effects - On fire etc with all the special attacks :D
    Overall I love it +1
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  18. cool thanks a lot eviltoade
    Eviltoade likes this.
  19. Definitely would be cool to see a new special mob. And what is worse then spiders :D The special drops are pretty cool too and wouldn't be too much of a buff.

    Nice one :)