Mob Spawning - Needs tweaking?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by kilmannan, Sep 22, 2012.

  1. Ghasts should be where we want them :p
    IamSaj likes this.
  2. What I have found out about mob spawning.

    The mobs are spawning at the right rate, but there is a bukkit bug.


    Say you have a village out in the wild and you light it up to prevent mobs from spawning. Before the mob fix, the mobs wouldn't spawn in the village because there were too little of mobs to find the right block light level in the village to spawn. So you didn't have to really worry about it because the chances of them spawning in your village were so little, it didn't even matter.

    Now with the update it is set that mobs will spawn only within 4 chunks of you. Now all the mobs are not spread out as much, where ever there is a light level at 7 or less, a mob can spawn. Your old lighting in the village is probably bad because where ever there is a 7 or less block light level, they chose there because they can spawn there. The mobs don't have room to spread out over a bigger space since its linted to 4 chunks.

    How to make sure your base is safe:

    To make sure you don't have mobs in base, house, castle, village, or whatever you have. Turn on the Debug screen (F3 for windows, Fn+F3 for mac) and look on the 2nd line up from the bottom for the Bl:#. (Bl stands for Block light) Then you can run around with your base with this on and look at the block light level and when it gets to 7 or below place a torch or a light source there. Once you have done this through out your whole base, and have no light levels 7 and below, you should be safe from mobs.
  3. Thanks for that.

    However as I've previously stated, mobs are spawning beside candles.

    That's not right.

    Mobs are spawning incorrectly.
  4. There could be something wrong still. Earlier today when i logged on, i was no where near torches, but 2 creepers and 1 skeleton spawned probably 5 blocks away from me. They are not suppose to spawn within 25 of your player.
  5. All I know is that I've sat in a fully lit room, with everything above 10 in LL, and they still spawn. Next to candles or not, but in too high a LL.

    As Aikar says, it appears to be a Bukkit issue.
  6. its gotta be a bug in bukkit, my vanilla ssp world deals heavily with mob generation(im building a giant town populated with hostile mobs) and i havent had any problems with the LL bug. something tells me the way bukkit handles their chunk loading may be causing this.