Misc Updates - 2/23/14

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Feb 23, 2014.

  1. Please make them spawn in the new player spawn. it allows them to pick a residence and a biome they want AND be greeted once they arrive.

    I don't think you were shoved in a house when you wanted your own place, why should they?
    wisepsn likes this.
  2. Really like this update
  3. I like the 1st one.
  4. Who's saying they won't be greeted?
    It'll still announce that they're on the last question and finished just as before, just changing were they're spawning.
  5. It feels so much better to be greeted face to face in my opinion.
  6. Yes! saying things in the wrong chat is not as annoying now for the person saying it :D
    cutejuliew and highlancer54 like this.
  7. What prevents you from doing /v newplayername and meeting them in In(game) personally?
  8. That feels odd.
  9. The majority of greeting I've seen in chat has just been a friendly "Welcome to EMC! :)" in town chat, I myself never usually did /newplspawn it was a pain to type out anyway lol
    ^Also this, now, with these changes, you have a defined place to find this person and give them the face-to-face greeting if you so wish.
    5weety and sonicol1 like this.
  10. This resolves two of the most common complaints I've seen regarding new players.

    One is that they join and immediately ask how to claim a residence. Most of them will probably keep the first one they have. Those who want a specific address so they can be a friend's neighbor will have their friend to help them figure out how to unclaim then claim another.

    Hopefully this also deals with the other problem of there not always being an open residence when players join. I assume that rather than forcing a new player to forceclaim or go to another server, that a derelict one is automatically claimed for them if no others are available.

    As a player matures they can learn these commands but this takes the pressure off of their first few minutes here.

    Although this appears to be mostly little things, this is one of my favorite mini updates. No more typing into the wrong chat, switching to the right channel, then getting filtered; or getting filtered for repeating something that someone missed when chat is busy(I hope).
  11. Thanks Aikar! I'm lovin' all these updates! The Empire is growing faster than ever! :D
  12. I agree with this, greeting in person is much better, and the ability to chose your own res.
    Choongjae likes this.
  13. The amount who wants to choose a SPECIFIC res will be extremely low and limited to people coming to play with friends, and as said above, the friend should be able to help them pretty simple...

    /v player name will be identical to /newplspawn in terms of welcoming a player face to face.
    cadgamer101 and RainbowChin like this.
  14. That sounds good, I like the Update overall :D
  15. That is great! I was thinking tab complete, but clicking on a name or channel is even better. We are all gonna get really lazy now. I know for a fact people have always hated typing just_five_fun.
  16. tab completion should work on /tell now, and also "/tell just" should usually work too.
  17. Not working for me?