Misc Update - Custom Res time and weather 6/2/2024

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by chickeneer, Jun 2, 2024.

  1. Hey all. We got a minor update going out with a few bug fixes. Mostly stability focused with a few notable changes.

    Naturally, I should point you to the other thread I posted recently - if you haven't seen the follow-up from that. https://empireminecraft.com/threads/emc-community-survey-with-results-5-2024.87704/

    Misc fixes and minor changes:
    • Fixed an issue with eggifying horses not properly keeping their "style"
    • Changed horse-like entities eggification in town. To allow residence owners/admins to eggify horses left on their residence and the horse owner is no longer online.
    • Someone had reported that turtles trying to hatch while a residence was at entity cap, caused a lot of hatching chirping on repeat. I made a change which should short-circuit the logic before it gets to these sounds.
    • Fixed a report of water flow flags not working properly for Kelp and Water Column blocks.
    • Made a minor change to rupee logging to be less strict in closing opening color/formatting tags.
    • Added an error message when trying to use a "reusable" item before destacking them. (There is more than 1 in the stack it doesn't work).
    • Fixed numerous issues pertaining to EMC features relating to death dropped items.
    Alright now some new stuff:
    There was a bit of controversy a couple months back regarding the Leprechaun mobs and people eggifying them. I posted a feedback thread back in April about this: https://empireminecraft.com/threads/feedback-dev-mistakes-eggs.87640/
    I have added a method for all players to obtain them for an undetermined period of time.

    My unconventional solution. Is to make them available for purchase via the /tbuy command.
    Just type /tbuy Leprechaun - and you can purchase them for 20,000 tokens. Ultimately, tokens don't have a definitive value so it will be up to the community to determine how this will affect the going rate for these custom leprechaun eggs. There will soon be an appropriate wiki page created for these items and they will be available for auction at such time. Nothing is fun or fair about how this turned out - just trying to learn from it to prevent it from reoccurring.

    Additionally! I added in code to make these spawn in their Leprechaun form just as in the event. As permanent swamp babies with enhanced health.

    Next up. Wouldn't it be cool if you could set the weather or time on your residence? Well thanks to MrSocks, that is now possible. Note. That this feature can only be toggled on for residence owners with a supporter status on their account (Iron+). The feature will stay enabled if you stop being a supporter. All players can disable custom weather/time.

    Please note that the weather is dependent on what biome you have set on the residence. So you have to set "Downfall" for there to be weather active. And then the biome determines whether it is snow, rain, etc.

    Additionally, these commands are setup to inherit with subzones. So if you set something on the parent residence, you can set something different on the subzone.
    Ask questions if you try it and it doesn't quite work. Since this is brand new, we don't have any wiki pages setup to provide a simpler explanation yet.

    Below is listed out the new commands that have been added.
    • /res time set (Residence) <time>
    • /res time reset (Residence)
    • /res weather set (Residence) <clear|downfall>
    • /res weather reset (Residence)
    • /help restime
    • /help resweather
    There are some auto-completed built-in times that might be suggested. Otherwise you can pick your own time between 0 and 24,000. You'll have to pick the time you want.
    Anticipating this question... There is not an option to select a moon phase. :)

    As for weather. As mentioned earlier, you can set the weather to be either CLEAR or DOWNFALL. Or you can reset it to match the weather of the world you are in. The type of weather is determined by the biome of the area.

    As always, report any bugs or issues you may encounter.
  2. can you get stashes/hoards from the leprechauns in the shop?
    fadedmartian likes this.
  3. Nope, those were only available during the event.
  4. This is an interesting set of combinations you have allowed us to configure for our reses, I'm curious to see what people come up with!
    We3_MPO likes this.
  5. All excellent updates, thanks to the devs as always. The new res commands will get a lot of use I am certain, awesome idea!!
    LindenNZ and crystaldragon13 like this.
  6. Awesome!!!
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
  7. I think you did a great job of evening out the Leprechaun. Always chances to learn.

    The addition having weather on your res is something i think many have been wanting. Thanx MrSocks!

    The hard work our devs do is always appreciated. =D
    KatydidBuild, ThaKloned and NickkG like this.
  8. Yeah, I meant to integrate this in the Original Post somewhere, but both the custom weather and time are things that you kinda need to fit into the theme for your residence. Not many residences are going to make sense to have rain. Similarly a particular time aesthetic might allow you to set a certain mood for your residence, but could be jarring to be inconsistent with what everyone else is experiencing elsewhere in town. I hope some people find use of it.
    crystaldragon13, LindenNZ and NickkG like this.
  9. Love the use of using tokens to buy something, Any plans to implement more things like this in the future? or is this just a one off?
  10. I'd love to add more things. Plans though? Not really, people only suggest that we add things, not what those things should be. The idea well is rather shallow
  11. Good! Thanks! Will it rain at mudhut now to make fishing more efficient? Mudhut is supposed to be the fishing residence, and I recall suggesting specifically to make it rain there.
  12. does this interfere with villager trading?
    I ask because the villagers reset their trades twice a day, so would this stop the villagers from resetting their trades because the time never changes?
    We3_MPO likes this.
  13. No. It is purely a visual effect. It doesn't affect the actual time of the world/server

    Edit: similarly, "snow" through this feature will not actually accumulate on the residence.
    We3_MPO, LindenNZ and Fred_TWK like this.
  14. I knew the weather thing was possible. I also saw this post late last night — it’s good that it wasn’t a dream. Thank you for this update! :) :) :)
    fadedmartian, We3_MPO and Tuqueque like this.
  15. It is now raaynning 24/7 at 12022.....

    Thank you :D
  16. finally my chicken troll video is EMC history. #ifyouknowyouknow

    also, Chicken, is the /tbuy leprechaun command permanent like the avalauncher or just short term?
    We3_MPO likes this.
  17. Undetermined.
    We3_MPO, fadedmartian and ultipig like this.
  18. Don't eat me, Ms Dragon !
  19. It's permanently very dark in Mordor now :D
    KatydidBuild and Raaynn like this.