mInEcRaFt In StUnNiNg 4k Hd YoU'lL NeEd 27 GtX tItAn Xs To RuN tHiS bAdBoY

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Jun 12, 2017.

  1. i ThOuGht ThIs WaS a ReAl cHicKeN fOr A sEcOnd OmG
  2. Wow, that is pretty amazing. I mean, for Minecraft being a game made up of blocks, you can still get some stunning images if you have powerful enough hardware to run it. And only 27 GTX Titan Xs, huh? Hmm, shouldn't be too hard to get those, and worth it if they give that high quality imagery.
    607, ShelLuser, K_Kick and 1 other person like this.

  3. minecraft in stunning 4k hd you'll need 27 gtx titan xs to run this badboy
  4. You obviously don't know enough about memes to be using this right now. I fixed it for you.
  5. WhAt! Hd QuAlItY Imagens rite their.. :p
  6. mY FaVoRiTe pArT. hAhA
    ShelLuser and synth_apparition like this.
  7. It's so amazing how far game's graphics have come in just a few short 40-50ish years.

    I'm glad to see Minecraft pioneering such radical upgrades and progress in this industry. Warms my heart <3

    That's a fine looking pig btw you must be lucky to have him in your farm
    607 likes this.
  8. WaT iS tHiS rEaLiSm
  9. This is the future of virtual reality :D
    607 likes this.
  10. I think he did that because it was already typed in that weird way, so he changed it to be normal.