MC 1.1 and world changes

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JustinGuy, Jan 13, 2012.

  2. I just wanna take my computer and throw it on the ground!
  3. Good compromise. Thanks!

    As for me, personally, I've spent hours mining in a certain area for a certain project...
    yet I'd be happy to part with all that work for the sake of a better Empire (aka. a glitch-free Empire!).

    Just please, if you do decide to reset after a week, give us a few days to pack out most treasured possessions out to our residences.

    Thanks again for all you do!
  4. Im sure Justin will give all ample warning before something like this were to happen :) So no need to worry :)
    DarkOogaBloop likes this.
  5. BECHESBROhq.jpg

    That aside, I wouldn't mind the reset so much. More opportunity for newer people.

    They could always travel further, yes, but some would much rather scream, beg, complainaboutserver'ssuctionalstatus and then disappear to scream/beg/complainaboutserver'ssuctionalstatus/givplzoribanu!!1 other unfortunate members before you could finish informing them of potential resources slightly further out.

    Not that it happens often or at all, as far as I can tell.
    DarkOogaBloop likes this.
  6. I would cry! my mansion with a quad spawner and VERY long underground tunnel to spawn took so long to make......

    I can honestly say I would never put any work into any major build in the wilderness again. just find a spawner and camp it or mine things i guess. My own fault for not using my protected res's to build on :/

    Edit: I dont blame EMC or anything, just sucks Minecraft has to make such major changes to maps like this. but oh well, keep moving forward...

    Edit #2: If you do reset and do the countdown, i think the refunds for locked chests should be 100% during the countdown
  7. The beach and biome transition is sort of a big deal. We gotta get them mang
  8. As long as EMC is available to everybody who clicked 'update' again. I would like to be back on good ol' smp4 as soon as possible :(
  9. I guess if it's got to be done it's got to be done. If it's just for aesthetic reasons though, I would say just move the spawn point / outposts. It will be disappointing to lose all those builds, but I guess just have to take some screenshots and move on.

    It would be nice if we could get full refunds on our locked chests so we can replace them in the new wilderness.
  10. Thinking about it some more, would it be possible to add a whole second set of spawn point and outposts, maybe if you went 50k blocks in one direction (i dont know how big minecraft worlds can go) and added a new spawn point where you would get taken to if you type /wilderness, and then add outposts to it like there are now. Then add a new teleport to the old spawn point.

    That way all new players would spawn at a nice area with the new biomes, and it would be as if the world reset - the old world is so far away not many would wander that far, but the players with builds could use the teleport gate and get there in an instant.
  11. Reset would suck .... 3 spawners in my/friends place >(

    But if we get full refunds on the chests that we locked, i would be fine with that.
  12. I second this, I like this compromise... give it time and see what happens.
  13. I like the sound of the comprimise - I really dont want some of my bases reset... (yea you all know why!)
  14. I dont suppose its possible to have portals to entirely different wilderness is it? like /wild2 that would goto somewhere completely different? I seem to remember MC can have multiple worlds..
    the5m3rk likes this.
  15. Wouldn't a bigger wilderness and more worlds in one server increase it's load? :l
  16. I think it would only increase storage space, the server only loads chunks that are in use (ie. have at least 1 player in them or nearby)
  17. I'd think if people are in the old world AND the new world, the server would need to update more chunks or something.

    I guess that's a moot point considering people try to stay away from each other anyways. =/
  18. Yeah, I don't know how it works with multiple worlds, I guess there's some kind of overhead for extra worlds.
  19. Yes please, i think we should upgrade as soon as possible, i've havn't been on EMC for over 2 DAYS! i'm starting to show symptoms. PLEASE upgrade, i would love to get playing.
  20. From Justin's post, I'm guessing it's sort of like the reset when 1.8 to release?
    "Jacked up" is a bit vague :l might have looked like the 1.0 world has been smashed in by a colossal bucket easily six times the circumference of the Earth sphere for all we know.

    (Not that it isn't already)