[Make Money!] Gathering 54 heads for a DC Auction!

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Jakebag, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. We should totally bump this thread.
    Panda_Paradise likes this.
  2. Donated! :D
    Sweetie_Pea likes this.
  3. Updated names to list and project progress, we are now only 3 heads away from a single chest! (which means we are nearly half way there!) Remember, if you donate your head you have a chance of winning a EMC stable voucher! :)
    Sweetie_Pea likes this.
  4. Donate all the heads!!
  5. If I am guaranteed to get the stable voucher I shall go kill myself till I get my head xD Im trying to find one but seems theyre all gone...:/ ~FDNY21
  6. I want to make this clear, you are not guaranteed a stable voucher, you have a chance of winning one in a raffle. :)
  7. I know, I just wanted to be cheekily funny ;) If I get one I will reply to this post! ~FDNY21
  8. I repeatedly killed myself and finally got a head - pickup from 18318 on smp9, i have paid for your vault costs (20r) and I hope to be entered into the draw for the voucher :D (hope i win!) Thanks :) ~FDNY21
  9. D: I got unwatched! Oh well, should go get my head now :p
  10. Bumpz! :p Donate and have a chance to win this!
    FDNY21 likes this.
  11. Jake, I paid you 20r so you can vault a head across :) Its on 18318 smp9 now for you to take! I must win the vouchaaa :3 ~FDNY21
  12. Bumpz! Updated player donation list! Project progress- We are over 1/2 of the way there (28/54 heads)
    mba2012 and FDNY21 like this.
  13. Can I put in 2 of my heads?
    FDNY21 likes this.
  14. You can put in as many as you like as far as I know, the more heads, the more money you get :) ~FDNY21
  15. Not at the moment, currently everyone is limited to one head, but if I struggle to fill more spots then this is an option. Sure it's a long process of collecting 54 heads, but they has been a recent spout of donations :)
  16. Then I might add my second head later.
  17. Also if any staff wish to donate their head, it would be greatly appreciated! :)
  18. Just saw Jakes message and he said its limited to one at the minute, sorry :/
  19. I saw it after I posted.1 second after.
    FDNY21 likes this.
  20. Bumpz! :)
    mba2012 likes this.