{Magical Giveaway} The Horizon of the Heaven

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Raaynn, Aug 7, 2017.

  1. Raaynn likes this.
  2. 3 of hearts please!
    Raaynn likes this.
  3. I'll take the King of Clubs.
    Raaynn likes this.
  4. DeLaNoche !
  5. I'll take the 2 of hearts Please and thank you
    Raaynn likes this.
  6. Raaynn likes this.
  7. Hit me up with a 5 of hearts please.
    Raaynn likes this.
  8. 3 of diamonds please.
    Raaynn likes this.
  9. 9 of hearts if it's not already taken.
    Raaynn likes this.
  10. Just a few days before the heavens turn black as night, and the card falls...
  11. ... and I will see you all, on the Dark Side of the Moon...
    ThaKloned likes this.
  12. draw a card before the shadow is cast...

    All that you touch
    And all that you see
    All that you taste
    All you feel

    And all that you love
    And all that you hate
    All you distrust
    All you save

    And all that you give
    And all that you deal
    And all that you buy,
    Beg, borrow or steal

    And all you create
    And all you destroy
    And all that you do
    And all that you say

    And all that you eat
    And everyone you meet
    And all that you slight
    And everyone you fight

    And all that is now
    And all that is gone
    And all that's to come
    And everything under the sun is in tune
    But the sun is eclipsed by the moon.

    There is no dark side of the moon, really.
    Matter of fact, it's all dark.

  13. 6 of Diamonds ;p
    Raaynn likes this.
  14. 4♣ Please
    Raaynn likes this.
  15. K♠ please
    Raaynn likes this.
  16. Q♠ Please and thankyou

    Raaynn likes this.
  17. Your Heart has found the truth in the number 9 !

    access chest will be set up on deck at 12010, smp6!


    X_Glitch_X and ThaKloned like this.
  18. Congrats X_Glitch_X and thanks Raaynn for the giveaway :)
    X_Glitch_X and Raaynn like this.
  19. Thank you very much :)