Looking for moderators

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by JustinGuy, Oct 3, 2011.

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  1. Congratulations Twitch1 on becoming a Mod. Hope you do the Empire proud, I'm sure you will.
  2. Great job twitch! no one deserves that position more than you!
  3. Hello, I have already sent in my Application for Moderator (Account name: tshack235), I was wondering, do Moderators also receive the privallege (please excuse my spelling) of having a Reserved Slot on the SMP2 server? Please reply.

  4. Please don't tell me a spot is your reason for being a moderator.
    And please, like so many others before me have said, read earlier posts. Specifically, page three, GameKribJEREMY's post, section two. Thank You.
  5. It is DEFFINETLY (please excuse my spelling again) not my reason for becoming a Moderator, i have MANY more. I just assumed you would receive a reserved slot since you are staff.
  6. I applied a bit to late i think XD
  7. It's never too late to apply!
    When they need moderators, they may well stumble across your name.
  8. true true :p! i hope so ;)
  9. I'm nervous about this act. Although a lot of people deserve to become moderators, it just doesn't't seem right. Like what Dark_Liz explained about how it is a big, hard job. The privileges are very high.
  10. This is why we don't just give mod to anyone who asks. There are people, who even in their own mind think they'd be a FANTASTIC moderator and will do nothing but good for the position. However, to no fault of their own, most people are wrong. I've been at this for quite a few years now and can tell what is needed to do a good job. Here's a fun fact for you. Most of the people you see as current active mods, not once asked us to be a moderator. Some didn't even need to fill out applications. :)
    Crazy1080 and slozon like this.
  11. I understand Jeremy-Sorry for going on a small rage.:p
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