Launch of smp5!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by JustinGuy, Feb 1, 2012.

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  1. Sorry. This is just a pet peeve of mine. It's "Not care less," otherwise you are saying that you care. :)

    On another note, Whoo! Another server! Empire Minecraft can only ever get better. :D
  2. Yay it's finally here now I hopefully won't need to wait 15 minutes to get on!
    Thanks so much!
  3. We
    We must start MR2R2M , time is of the essence!
  4. All good things come in due time :)
  5. Are those achievement gets real or just your signature?
  6. They are just signatures :)

    Read this thread if you want to find out more :)
  7. Awesome! Just awesome.... What more is there to say! :)
  8. Yeah, I like the idea of having a re-spawnable dragon from time to time. We'll have to see if this is is possible, something we can do with leaderboards which we're going to introduce in the future. Good idea.
  9. YAY! another server!
  10. no dragon? aw come on. i already beat alduin; i was hoping for yet another dragon to challenge the great dragonborn, DRIFTER!!!!!!!!!
  11. Woohoo! Smp5! I had it on my server list for a while, trying to get a jump on a good lot. ;)

    Of course, with my schedule all off-kilter, I ended up being asleep for the actual launch and initial opening of the server. T_T

    But, no worries - just excited smp5 is finally here. :D Woo!
  12. New Server= Awesome
    The new spawn protected reset will be a great feature, cant wait to see it in action :D
  13. Does the reset give warning before it take action?
    I don't want to be in the place where lava used to be. :)
  14. I think the new smp5 server went off with a hit, the map is great and many people are already building in it. I believe it is a great addition on the Empire
    JustinGuy likes this.
  15. Can you respawn an enderdragon after it has been killed,JustinGuy?
  16. Great! Now I just need to make enough money to get gold or diamond. One thing you should fix: the post said "free member get on res" when it should say "free members get one res"
  17. Can I can claim a residence on smp5 even though I have one on a different server?
    Currently free players only get on residence Empire wide, however Gold and Diamond supporters get more. You can also unclaim your residence on another server if you wish to move.

    u spelled ONE wrong lol
  18. Justin how dare u miss spell something....
  19. Leo You Already Have An Egg xD
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