Last thread, people begged me to give em money? how should i follow up? a 30k cometition ofcourse!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ODSTALCAPWNED, Sep 14, 2012.

  1. sorry, only one entry per contestant
  2. How original.
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  3. Name : xI_LIKE_A_PIGx
    Powers : I once made KingofKraft13 decide to stay on EMC after I posted a comment that must've been very touching. I am a wonderful pixel artist, and I like pigs!
    KingofKraft13 likes this.
  4. I played as that character when i was younger :D
  5. my super hero name is: christheboss
    powerz: able to hide in lava, fly, and has mini boss as a sidekick
    my skin:
    hiding in lava:
    miniboss (dog) and me attacking the evil villain DR. evil:
    hiding under the bed because im afraid of slenderman:
    i DEFINATALY do not drink at the bar:
    the love of my life:
    and 1 more thing....... something that has scared my life forever and now im afraid of the dark more than anyone:
    SLENDERMAN!..... i peed my pants a little..... maybe why im not the bravest superhero
  6. You should think more, don't you think?
  7. do you like my super hero?
  8. lol yeah. so far, so good!
  9. i will add some more pics of him here is him doing is favorite hobbie riding on a minecart on a block of dirt with no rails:
  10. btw its not another entry just some more about his life :p
  11. my god.... hes MAGIC! XD
  12. Chris, we don't need a biography...
  13. Chris you are kinda spamming the thread.
  14. Are you fucking kidding me.png
  15. Bump, does anyone want to participate apart from me and chrisisaboss?
  16. You don't know nothing about /res unstuck? ;)
    AlexHallon likes this.
  17. Or am i the only one that it is probably world edit/downloading? (whatever it was called, i don't use it, so how would i know for sure?)
    AlexHallon likes this.