La Grande Exposaria Museum

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by Faithcaster, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. XD. Faith liked it so I guess it's correct.
    Faithcaster likes this.
  2. Man... I just figured out how to get really cool items.... Make something cool that people would want to donate to
  3. Update #8
    • Added RainbowChin PvP Head
    • Fixed grammar error on the Voting Iron Shovel information book
    • Fixed grammar error on the Voting Leggings information book
    • Added space for next promotional item (Halloween Promo pl0xerino Aikarino)
    • Added "fake" rares on every frame that I don't have the item at (yet) (pl0x lend/sell/giefff me items)
    • Added space for Voter's Diamond Block, Voter's Redstone Block, Voter's Emerald Block and Voter's Beacon
    That's all for now.
    Thank you for all the assistance finding grammar errors, keep up the amazing support everyone!
  4. Update #9
    • Updated Staff Head section - Welcome to all new staff members!
    • Added Headless Horseman Mask
    • Added Spooky Egg
    • Added Not so Spooky Egg
    • Fixed a few grammar errors in information books
    • Ate a cookie & a bag of chips
  5. Update #10
    • Added Remembrance Poppy & Remembrance Poppy Information.
  6. Update #11
    • Updated staff section
    Expect a very large update soon about adding all the new holiday promos and rares :)
    TechFilmer likes this.
  7. Its Alive! :eek:
    TechFilmer and Faithcaster like this.
  8. Where do you get these things? That's like 5 million rupees in there
  9. My hometown is called La Grande and it always confuses me when I see this thread.
    AwesomeBuilder33 and Faithcaster like this.
  10. I will have to get on and visit tomorrow.
    Do you plan on displaying items there are only one of? If so how do you plan on obtaining the ultra-rare items like the (long forgotten) purple icecreamcow heads?
  11. I don't really want to have a "this is where all the epic items are section"
    People would most likely only care to visit that one - Though I can tell you that I've spent more than 15mil rupees on items that are on Floor number 2 (Event Items)
  12. I've been here for roughly 1000 days, a lot of my time has been spent on gathering rares and earning rupees - I guess it pays off when you put effort into something :)
  13. Museum has been closed until further notice.
    FDNY21 and AwesomeBuilder33 like this.
  14. But but but.. mom..

    Btw, didn't you leave EMC or am I missing something?
  15. Faith! The public needs to see it! The museum is amazing!
  16. He returned a while ago. :)
    Faithcaster and AwesomeBuilder33 like this.
  17. Yes.

    All interior is being remade, and the museum will re-open as soon as that is finished :)
    NathanRP and hashhog3000 like this.
  18. Awh good :D
  19. I have send 1000r your way :D
    Faithcaster likes this.
  20. I have a few items I could lend. Cupid's bow, Cupids arrows, Cupid the pig (spawned), Dancer the horse (spawned), and a holiday candle. I may also be able to lend a vault page voucher.