Kad's Supply Co.

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Kalzahar, Jun 13, 2013.

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  1. MrWhosMagic likes this.
  2. Item(s): Cobblestone; 5 DC
    Would you like me to transport for you? (If so, specify the res): N/A

  3. Item(s): 8 dc of glass
    Would you like me to transport for you? (If so, specify the res) No thanks
    Deadline: 1 week
    price: 23700
  4. paid and chests set up :)
  5. Here's your page: http://kadssupply.hopto.org/issue/Order-123
    Delivered. :)
  6. Your order is complete :D Please pay your 4,750 and pickup at 15334, thanks for using kad's supply co!
  7. I have a 20% off coupon for the following order: see below. Sorry!
    Item(s):1 Stack of Emeralds*, 1 SC of Netherrack, 4 stacks of Obsidian, 1 stack of GlowStone*, 1 SC of Spruce Wood, 1 DC of Glass, 1 SC of SandStone.
    Would you like me to transport for you? (If so, specify the res) No
    Deadline:None, take your time

    * I don't know the cost/not listed. EDIT: I'm sorry, I sold the coupon. Saves me money overall. I'll pay the 20% more...
  8. Here's your page: http://kadssupply.hopto.org/issue/Order-124 As for the items you couldn't find, I no longer supply those, so they have been excluded from your order.

    EDIT: With the help of deathconn I will be able to provide emeralds and have updated your page.
    TheEpicSurvivor and deathconn like this.
  9. Since my order is not complete within the deadline, do I get a discount? It was meant to be done today
  10. Yes, as before, you will be receiving a discount for every day it's late. I apologize for not having it and will get it to you as soon as possible.
  11. thanks :) If its within a few days I don't need a discount :)
  12. Your order is complete. Please send 7,000 Rupees and I'll deliver it when Smp1 comes back up. :)
  13. I know i work here in all but I need some stuff :p
    Item(s) and Quantity: 6 DCs of sand,
    Would you like me to transport for you? (If so, specify the res) nah im good :p
    Deadline: Jan 8th
    Total cost: 8,400r
  14. Any update on my DC of Obsidian?
  15. From this point on, I will no longer be accepting orders for Kad's Supply Co. As most of the people that have ordered recently know, I have not been able to keep up with the constant flow of orders for a long time, even with the help of others. This has grown too large for me to be able to handle. When I started this business, I spent a large portion of my day and about 95% of my time on EMC working on orders, but I can no longer do that.

    I will only be finishing a couple of remaining major orders (these people know who they are) before closing this for good. Thank you to everyone who has provided business in the past as well as helped out, as they gave me something to do here and a surprising amount of rupees. If there is still a market for a "company" like this, I hope there is someone else here who is willing to take up the job, as the attention this thread got would make it seem that way. If there is, I wish them luck in their endeavor and hope they can provide a service better than mine.
  16. Thanks for being the best Supply Co. out there! I loved working with you and I can say others did as well. I don't think anyone can make a good of a business as you did, thanks for putting up with all our complaints ;)
    cddm95ace and Kadboy like this.
  17. thank you kad
    you have done your duty
    time to wait for the next person
    and thank you for being there for me when i build something :3
    Kadboy likes this.
  18. Kad, congrats on making such a success here on EMC with this company. I understand where you're coming from, as I am often torn between doing what I want to do on EMC and the realities of what I need to do in life. Life always wins. :p
    Kadboy likes this.
  19. On page 4 made my first order, wow a long time ago. Thanks for all you got for me and sorry I made you do so much sugar cane farming ;) thanks dude!
    redfire23 and Kadboy like this.
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