I've had my time, I am leaving EMC

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by wipple4, Apr 1, 2013.

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  1. His profile says he is banned, so probably.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  2. Now I have seen a purple cow. :cool:
  3. 726 and its sad to see anyone go
  4. im sorry to hear that u are leaving :( :( :( :( :(:(:(
  5. 5,982r?
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  6. 1 last thing to say....
  7. APRIL FOOLS!!!!!

    Awsner - 5,982
    zh88 and jtc0999 like this.
  8. Trolololol.com? trolled. -_-
  9. Hey - can I have the res 1001??? Pls- I would use it for storage for my mall
  10. I'll have res 2330
  11. Omg I'm so mad
  12. There is no contest, nor res giveaway, just a fun joke, ty to aCookieGod and Bunkerllama for helping me out
  13. Heh, people are funny
  14. Aww we never met but I hope everything goes well for your job and such.

    Edit: yeah I'm gullible.. Happy April Fools :p
  15. Poor heyaroo... getting trolled
    rman92011 likes this.
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