I've fallen and can't get out! Lava

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by vividOptimism, Nov 3, 2012.

  1. Their is no option i have lost so much in the nether for these heads and im still unsuccessful... chain armor (enchated) Tools (Diamond, enchated) and more....

    No option but to keep on trying...
    lost about 12k so far... still nothing
  2. really? my blaze grinder has water all over the place... i guess it was made b4 that patch?
    EDIT: The water funnels the blaze down into the hole, where i kill them. the water also powers a HUGE melon farm to the side :).
  3. What server are you on??? Smp1?
  4. I saved him, and he survived :cool:
  5. I think you mean 'he'.
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and vividOptimism like this.
  6. Yes it was a successful rescue thank you so much.
  7. Because that's just the person creppa is, willing to save anyone, anywhere, any time. :)
  8. My bad, I must have been thinking about margaritte.
    vividOptimism likes this.
  9. :)

    I am helpful when I'm diamond supporter . . .

    He's in utopia :(
  10. Thats what I did. Back when the nether was ghast crazy a ghast fireball PUSHED me off a nether fortress into lava. Only problem is I was 4k blocks out from spawn... havent logged into smp9 since.
  11. No it doesnt. If ice melts in the nether, it will stay as water. Notch did that so there could be water.
  12. Passage from the Wiki, I have BOLDed the important parts

    There is no way to place water in the Nether in a Survival game. Using water buckets will produce steam and an empty bucket. This makes growing sugar cane impossible since the plant requires water to survive. Wheat farms are also affected by this. They can survive without water, although they will grow much more slowly. As of 1.2.5, broken or melted ice blocks will produce water, but ice cannot be obtained normally. As of snapshot 12w17a, ice can be obtained using Silk Touch, but will no longer produce water when broken or melted in the Nether.
  13. Awwww... =/
    nfell2009 likes this.
  14. ^
    Person who knows everything |
    Edit: Fail at straght arrow
    nfell2009 likes this.
  15. Me :D
  16. In my SP alpha & beta world water buckets produce water... Bug?
    nfell2009 likes this.
  17. I can sit in lava for 1 min in my armour lol