Its time to AMA

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by bitemenow15, Jun 13, 2014.

  1. Sorry xD I couldn't be bothered reading thru all these questions e-e
  2. So if a camel is a sand moose what is a reindeer?
  3. snow moose duhhhh
    607 and Nate_Frozen_Rain like this.
  4. couple more hours till i draw for da vinner
  5. Has anyone bite you?
  6. lol well the funny thing is quite a few know me as bite irl and its happened before where they have introduced me to women that way. their reactions are only natural
    607 and Mirr0rr like this.
  7. Result: 5
    palmsugar winz! gj all :p
    607 and hashhog3000 like this.
  8. Congrats, palmsugar! Thanks for the giveaway, bitemenow. :) Keep on moosin'!
  9. How tall are you in millimetres?
  10. i am 0.0179832 hectometres
  11. Veeeeeery interesting.
  12. How many wooden houses did you go through before you started to build with other material...:)
  13. i never built a single wooden house my first one was netherack and since then its been sandstone or regular stone ever since
  14. that was unexpected, thanks ^_^
    and for some reason I really like the pic of the paper with all names scribbled on it :D
  15. lol. im old fashioned i plot everything out on paper you should see the lengths ive gone to on graph paper before i start building
  16. that sounds like it would be interesting to see >.> yay for old fashioned, its just really nice to see something like that in between all the digital internet stuff :D
  17. am i your favorite person in the world
    why do you rant
    do you like dogs or cats
    whats your favorite food
    and why am i so awesome
  18. no, not unless you are me
    i rant because when i type out things i usually type a little faster then i formulate the idea so i just kinda word vomit.
    DOGS. cats lack the social skills i desire in a companion.
    taco......wait for it.....bell
    cause you either are me, or you been spending too much time near me
    KillaSpartan5 likes this.
  19. This guy....I LIKE this guy!