Is there a way for me to reconnect my Mojang account with my Microsoft account on EMC?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Cloudpaw666, Jan 18, 2024.

  1. I'm an old vet of the server (account turns 10 years old this year, wow have times changed), and I didn't switch over when they gave their grace period, largely out of anger and spite. That said, I dusted off the Java version a few days ago and rejoined the Empire. That sounds excellent, but there's just one major hitch: I had to make a new account. Now I could just restart, but I can't register on the forums using the e-mail account that I would use (it's tethered to this one). Not to mention that the residences on SMP5 do contain a shop and a base that supplies it. If there's a way for me to link these accounts, whether by my own hand or by staff, then I can fully return.
    ultipig and Nickblockmaster like this.
  2. Yeah, mojang accounts got nuked a few months back, which I feel like is just so scummy.

    But that's not what you're asking. Staff should be able to do this for you, message them at :)

    I hope it all works out! :)
    Hellsend, ultipig and Nickblockmaster like this.
  3. I'd guess you can, but if you ask staff they can tell you. I had an alt/family member account we'd got locked out of and couldn't migrate to Microsoft. EMC transferred the residence and vaults to a new account for us. It just required both the old account and new account to message and confirm the transfer. The staff here are so helpful!
    Hellsend likes this.