Is jumping from a ramp into an Outpost cheating?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by The_Fairyman, Jun 4, 2018.


Is jumping from a ramp into an Outpost cheating?

Cheat.. 1 vote(s) 10.0%
No Cheat.. 8 vote(s) 80.0%
What the f do I know.. 0 vote(s) 0.0%
What a waste of time reading this post.. 1 vote(s) 10.0%
  1. Hi Everyone,

    Quick question. There is a mountain next to one of the Wasteland outposts. I build a ramp from it to the Outpost and now I can jump into the zone where you can't get hurt when you're falling of high places.

    So now I get to Jump down 50+- Blocks and I won't get hurt.

    Now the Question:

    Can this be considered as a cheat in some wierd way?

  2. Nope you’re all good :) I have done similar setups myself.

    You’re falling into the protected zone, so you are then protected from fall damage.
  3. Thats my guess too.. But it feels kinda a itsy tiny little bitsy off :-D
    Smooshed_Potato likes this.
  4. Just a heads up: I don't know what picture you tried to show us but it didn't work out as you can see. Usually a picture needs to have a real working extension (.jpg, .gif, etc.) before it can work.

    Anyway, JD already covered the cheating part, and I'd like to present another scenario....

    As you discovered the protected zone covers an area from bedrock to the build limit. And that means that sometimes it also includes underground caves and such. Which sometimes make for an excellent way to help get others going. Go into the tunnel, stand in the protected area and then you're more or less "in town" (a "town-like" area). Which means that if you have a group then everyone can now /gtp to you, easy! :)

    /gtp, walk forward, and ready for mining :)


    If you think this is "bad" (figure of speech), you should try Utopia sometimes. It's a supporter server (only gold and up can access the Waste or Frontier there) but... no fall damage anywhere and it also never goes dark.

    EMC can also do its own share of "cheating" :)

    607 likes this.