Interest In New Outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Windasia, Aug 18, 2016.

  1. Hi Guys :) I am rather new to this server but have a lot of experience with mine craft in general. I would like to start a wilderness outpost and want to see if any of you all would like to accompany me on the journey to create a fantastic place in the wild. Eventually we could open up the outpost for people to join and build their own houses , etc. If anyone would like to join please either comment on this thread, or PM me :) happy mining!

    ShelLuser, Eviltoade and khixan like this.
  2. Bump:) would really like to do this and make some new friends if anyone's down?
  3. Hi Windasia, welcome to EMC!

    We have players from all over the world so be sure to link up with others who play at the same time as you.

    If you want to also hang out with a casual group check out the Lakeside thread for SMP7. They are a great bunch and there are no commitments (that I'm aware of), you can still start your own outpost while hanging out with them and getting to know the server.
    Gawadrolt and Windasia like this.
  4. Sounds awesome! How active is lakeside?
  5. It's pretty active. Hard to put a number on it. Looks like a handful online running in the snow. I'm not sure what they're up to since I have a project in town. :D

    Definitely check out Underhelm also. Some great members over there. If Shell vouches for them you know they'll be a good group.
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  6. hey i would like to help
  7. yea for sure! PM me what server u would like to and what time zone u r in