[Interactive Forum Game] EMC Empires - Era 1

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Feil, May 1, 2019.

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  1. Introduction to the Game

    EMC Empires is a turn based game that takes place on a 60x60 map in-game, but can be completely played in this thread. The main goal of the game is to be the last man or allies standing. Throughout the course of the game you will capture resource generating outposts, build an army, and conquer your enemies.

    Each player's territory is represented by a colored wool on the map.

    Table of Contents
    Research Tree
    Player Information
    Resource Structures
    Game Mechanics
    Builable Structures
    Capital Structures
    Unit Information

    How to Play
    Reply to the thread with the color you want, and the name of your empire.

    Win Conditions
    There are two ways to win in EMC Empires:
    1. Be the last player standing, meaning you defeated all the other players. This will count as a domination victory.
    2. Be the last allies standing, meaning you and your ally are the last two standing. This will count as a diplomatic victory.

    Grand Prize
    Domination Victory: 100,000 Rupees, EMC Empires Trophy Head, gold block territory (if the player plays another round).

    Diplomatic Victory: 50,000 rupees each.

    Current map as of turn: 1

    luckycordel, 607, Lukas3226 and 2 others like this.

  2. Sawmill
    A captureable outpost that generates 10 wood per turn for each outpost the player controls.

    A captureable outpost that generates 10 stone per turn for each outpost the player controls.

    Research Center
    A captureable outpost that generates 1 research point per turn.

    Iron Mine
    A captureable outpost that generates 5 iron per turn for each outpost the player controls.

  3. Turns
    Each player will take their turn on this thread (or in a private PM with me if they do not want the other players to know what they did that turn). They will have 8 hours to take their turn or be skipped. The time limit between turns can be voted on between current players of the game to be increased or decreased.

    During their turn a player may move a unit up to 2 spaces in any direction. They may spend any research points they have, and build/upgrade a structure if they have the resources and a build is not currently going.

    A player may only be allied to one other player at any time during a game. Being in an alliance allows the players to cross over each other's territory without conflict, send each other resources, and defend each other's structures. If a player chooses to break off an alliance they must remove all units from the other player's territory, and may not attack the former ally for 3 turns.

    Players may trade resources with other players they are not at war with. All a player has to do is offer a trade to the player they want to trade with via the EMC Empires thread, with what they are offering and wanting to receive. If the other player accepts, the resources will be transferred next turn.

    Players can not attack each other by default, but must declare war. Players CAN declare a surprise war but will be limited to one space movement for the first 3 turns of the war. If a player does not want to suffer the penalty for a surprise war, they may declare formally and wait one turn before attacking.

    During a war, players may take resource outposts from the other player, take territory spaces, destroy units, and even siege the enemy player's capital. If the capital is taken from the player, that player is eliminated and the victor gains +20 wood and stone per turn, and +10 iron.

    How to capture a structure on the Map
    If the structure is in neutral (white) territory, all you have to do is move a unit on top of the square the structure is on.

    If the structure is in another player's territory, you must be at war with the player to capture the structure. If there is no enemy units on the structure, you will capture it automatically by moving onto it. If there is enemy units on the structure, a battle will happen and the victor will hold control of the structure.

    How to capture Territory
    To change a square on the map to your color, simply move a unit over the square. You may use the "fill" tactic to capture territory, which means you can create a box around multiple squares, and capture all the squares when you complete the box.

    If you wish to capture another player's territory, you must be at war. If there is no enemy unit on the territory you will capture it automatically. If there is enemy units on the territory, a battle will happen and the territory will change to the color of the victor.

  4. Barracks
    Allows the construction of infantry units.

    Build Costs: 250 Wood, 125 Stone, 2 Turns

    Allows the construction of naval units.

    Build Costs: 250 Stone, 100 Wood, 2 Turns

    Defensive structure to protect your structures.

    Build Costs: 20 Stone, Instant

    Defensive structure that can only be built in your territory. Garrison for your units, improves your defensive stats.

    Build Costs: 300 Stone, 3 Turns

    Research Center
    Boosts your research points by 1 Point per turn, and gives you an extra research slot.

    Build Costs: 250 Wood, 250 Stone, 5 Iron, 4 Turns
  5. Player Information as of Turn: 1

    Red Player - belac555
    Wood: 124.6 (+12.6)
    Stone: 70.5 (+10.5)
    Iron: 0 (+0)
    Research Points: 1 (+1)

    Capital Structures
    Sawmill IIIII
    Quarry IIIII
    Research Lab III

    Build Queue

    Research Queue

    Blue Player - Runningrhino
    Wood: 24 (+12)
    Stone: 22 (+12)
    Iron: 0 (+0)
    Research Points: 1 (+0)

    Capital Structures
    Sawmill IIIII
    Quarry IIIII
    Research Lab III

    Build Queue
    Research Center Level 1 - Completing on turn 4.

    Research Queue

    Yellow Player
    Wood: 170 (+10)
    Stone: 170 (+10)
    Iron: 0 (+0)
    Research Points: 1 (+0)

    Capital Structures
    Sawmill IIIII
    Quarry IIIII
    Research Lab III

    Build Queue

    Research Queue

    Purple Player - rykly18
    Wood: 124 (+12)
    Stone: 110 (+10)
    Iron: 0 (+0)
    Research Points: 1 (+0)

    Capital Structures
    Sawmill IIIII
    Quarry IIIII
    Research Lab III

    Build Queue

    Research Queue

    Black Player - Otus_NigRum, The Burzum Empire
    Wood: 110.5 (+10.5)
    Stone: 110.5 (+10.5)
    Iron: 0 (+0)
    Research Points:2 (+1)

    Capital Structures
    Sawmill IIIII
    Quarry IIIII
    Research Lab III

    Build Queue

    Research Queue

    Green Player - SkeleTin007
    Wood: 162 (+12)
    Stone: 110(+10)
    Iron: 0 (+0)
    Research Points: 1 (+0)

    Capital Structures
    Sawmill IIIII
    Quarry IIIII
    Research Lab III

    Build Queue

    Research Queue

    Cyan Player - Lukas3226
    Wood: 24.6 (+12.6)
    Stone: 22.6 (+12.6)
    Iron: 0 (+0)
    Research Points: 0 (+0)

    Capital Structures
    Sawmill IIIII
    Quarry IIIII
    Research Lab III

    Build Queue
    Research Center Level 1 - Completing on turn 4.
    Research Queue

    Light Gray Player - CarFryer
    Wood: 162 (+12)
    Stone: 110 (+10)
    Iron: 0 (+0)
    Research Points: 1 (+0)

    Capital Structures
    Sawmill IIIII
    Quarry IIIII
    Research Lab III

    Build Queue

    Research Queue
    Lukas3226 and SkeleTin007 like this.
  6. Capital Structures

    Sawmill - Upgradeable structure in your capital that generates wood every turn.
    Level 1: 12 Wood per turn. (Takes 1 turn to upgrade, requires 50 Stone)
    Level 2: 15 Wood per turn. (Takes 1 turn to upgrade, requires 75 Stone)
    Level 3: 20 Wood per turn. (Takes 2 turn to upgrade, requires 115 Stone)
    Level 4: 27 Wood per turn. (Takes 2 turn to upgrade, requires 150 Stone)
    Level 5: 35 Wood per turn. (Takes 3 turn to upgrade, requires 225 Stone)

    Quarry - Upgradeable structure in our capital that generates stone every turn.
    Level 1: 12 Stone per turn. (Takes 1 turn to upgrade, requires 50 Wood)
    Level 2: 15 Stone per turn. (Takes 1 turn to upgrade, requires 75 Wood)
    Level 3: 20 Stone per turn. (Takes 2 turn to upgrade, requires 115 Wood)
    Level 4: 27 Stone per turn. (Takes 2 turn to upgrade, requires 150 Wood)
    Level 5: 35 Stone per turn. (Takes 3 turn to upgrade, requires 225 Wood)

    Research Center - Upgradeable structure in your capital that generates science points every turn.
    Level 1: 1 Research points per turn. (Takes 1 turn to upgrade, requires 50 Wood and Stone)
    Level 2: 2 Research points per turn. (Takes 2 turn to upgrade, requires 100 Wood and Stone)
    Level 3: 3 Research points per turn. (Takes 3 turn to upgrade, requires 250 Wood and Stone)
    rykly18 and Lukas3226 like this.
  7. This looks promising so I want to be Green :p
    Lukas3226 and Feil like this.
  8. Added to the game, 7 spots remaining.
    Lukas3226 likes this.
  9. I am mad I myself did not think of this sooner.
    Lukas3226 and Feil like this.
  10. Could I join as the light gray player? :D
    Lukas3226 and Feil like this.
  11. Added as the Light Gray Player, 6 spots remaining.
    Lukas3226 and CarFryer like this.
  12. I'll be the blue player!
    rykly18, Lukas3226 and Feil like this.
  13. Added as the blue player, 5 spots remaining.
    Lukas3226 likes this.
  14. I would like to be the Black Player, and I would like to be called the Burzum Empire.

    This idea is really cool, very well thought out, and I can see your dedicated! Absolutely genius idea and an amazing production on this thread, good job, I'm excited!
    luckycordel, 607, Lukas3226 and 2 others like this.
  15. Added as the black player, Emperor Rum! 4 spots left.
    Lukas3226 likes this.
  16. Ohhh can I be Purple Player?
    Lukas3226 likes this.
  17. Added as the purple player, 3 splots left.
    rykly18 and Lukas3226 like this.
  18. Research Tree as of Era 1

    607, rykly18 and Lukas3226 like this.
  19. Unit Information as of Era 1

    Build Cost: 30 Wood, 30 Stone, 1 Turn
    Base Stats:
    Transport Capacity Used 1
    Attack I I I I I I I I I I
    Defense I I I I I I I I I I

    Build Cost: 30 Iron, 2 Turns
    Base Stats:
    Transport Capacity Used 2
    Attack I I I I I I I I I I
    Defense I I I I I I I I I I

    Transport Ship
    Build Cost: 100 Wood, 30 Stone, 2 Turns
    Base Stats:
    Transport Capacity 10

    Build Cost: 10 Iron, 2 Turns
    Base Stats:
    Transport Capacity 6 (Infantry Only)
    607 and Lukas3226 like this.
  20. The game begins 4 hours and 5 minutes from now! (12 EST)

    If someone does not join as the red player, Running will take their first time. Turns will be taken in the order everyone is listed under player information.

    To see the map in-game do /v feil 2 on SMP8

    Map will be updated on the thread after everyone has finished turn 1.
    rykly18 and Lukas3226 like this.
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