In Honor of Stupid Mice + 5k Giveaway

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Trapper777, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. Your pet mouse? Or one you found on the street
  2. Not quite but close. real close. esp the bottom one.

  3. ?? I'm stuck
  4. an Apple Magic mouse? I used those all the time before I got my laptop and my Roccat mouse...
  5. Close. Think different.
  6. Is it even apple?
  7. Apple mice suck. So probably. :p
    607, Trapper777 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  8. Apple worm mouse
  9. Yes.

    Nerdy hint: Canada
  10. You know, I love Apple products but this is true. They suck!
  11. Its the hockey puck mouse XD sooooo badly made.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  12. Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a WINNER!!!!!!
    This little beauty is a terrible lesson in ergonomics. Truly the worst piece of tech Jony Ive has ever designed. You always grab it sideways and it gives you cramps from its small size. There is absolutely NO WAY to right-click with it, at least it is possible with the newer ones.

    This thing deserves a fiery death.

    Also Importerer I'll give you the 5k next time i'm on.
  13. Sorry you were a bit too late! :-(

    Importerer beat you to it!
  14. i used to use that monster in 5th grade, they had a box of a thousand of them because they kept breaking all the time.
  15. I always grab it sideways and end up clicking on the ads on the sidebar of websites.
  16. Bahahaha, Canada hockey XD