I'm SOOO glad EMC doesn't do this...

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JackBiggin, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. This is why i like EMC. ICC and Justin do not care about money (I hope) and care about the people who play on this server :)
  2. People, do we have to keep talking about the Forsaken?
  3. For different accounts?
  4. "Hey, I have alot of money and I griefed!"
    *Buys unban*
    *Griefs again*

    Mods: "WhY aRe We GeTtInG gRiEfEd StIlL? We HaVeN't BeEn DoInG aNyThInG wRoNg?"
    (I'm typing like some rudimentary admin I seen on a different server :p)
    mba2012 likes this.
  5. Hi I am md on ths server y duz ppl kp sying thy gt grifed we bn tm al right?
    nfell2009 and SoulPunisher like this.
  6. Not being able to unban yourself is cool but... what about the fact you can't buy creative? In my opinion, this is the biggest bonus since the entire economy and sense of accomplishment would be ruined. And THAT is why I like EMC.
  7. JackBiggin would be able to survive at least 18 bans...
    mba2012 likes this.
  8. At least it limited it to 2 un-bans.

    It's better than servers that allow you to buy Admin status.
  9. I did some research and I know the name of the server that does this, may I name and shame them or is that advertising?
  10. please do not post it
    bonzd67 likes this.
  11. All of my wut.
    PenguinDJ and PandasEatRamen like this.