Im Not leaving Thread!!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Happyshopper, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. What is the point of leaving the best servers ever? The communty? Everyone on EMC has almost become my family.
  2. I am not leaving too!
  3. Darn..
  4. You make me cry.... :(

  5. Yeah, sorry...EMC is stuck with me. I'm going nowhere :D
  6. I would never leave EMC, it's to awesome here.
  7. What's going on? Why is everyone not leaving?
  8. Even though we all know that some of you guys would, now and then, want me to leave EMC, I am NOT leaving EMC!
  9. No.

    If they learn to look in the guide (or the minecraft wiki), that will stop them keep asking every little thing.

    Once they realise that it's quicker to look in the guide or wiki, they might stop asking "how do i craft a stikk" every 2 minutes.

    "Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for life"

    -Hence, if a new user begs me for a fish, I'm much more likely to give 'em a fishing rod, and show them how to use it.

    -If a new user wants to know how to craft a fishing rod, I'd rather tell them the wiki page showing it, than try to describe it. That way, they'll know where to get the answer quickly next time.
    BobTheTomato9798 likes this.
  10. Bah! You broke my like streak -_-

    Blast you! /shakes fist

    But the OP is right when he says some people have a harder time learning from reading rather than being shown. You comment about teaching to fish is a little off - that is exactly what he is suggesting you do. Teach them. Don't just say - figure it out yourself. Giving tools - like links to the crafting wiki are great. He is only saying - try and have patience. Not everyone learns the same way.
  11. Thank you for all the response's EMC is alive and kicking!!
  12. If im leaving I will make poll or ask them for liks for me not to leave. :p

    BobTheTomato9798 likes this.
  13. Well said.
    I would like to see "I'm leaving" threads be against the rules. Not that you can punish a player that is leaving, but you can certainly delete the thread and give a warning. If they post another one, forum ban.
    I agree that this looks bad for EMC when new members join and see "I'm leaving" threads on the recently active threads list.
  14. I'm not leaving.
  15. I know right, I mean with the impending economic crash I been assured is coming!!
    BobTheTomato9798 likes this.
  16. That was sarcasm... there is not going to be a economic crash EMC just absorbed a large scale diamond duplication racket like it was eating out (In STEAK house) (sorry ICC)
    Manglex and BobTheTomato9798 like this.
  17. - Also for the nay sayers, EMC Just added another affiliate site I mean who would want to link with us!! since we are dieing and all...
    BobTheTomato9798 likes this.
  18. I'm curious as to what was going through the minds of the people who left and claimed they thought EMC was dying. I mean even if EMC was dying(which won't happen amirite), why would they just abandon it? If you have a loved one who is passing do you just get up and leave them? No, you stay by their side until their last breath. That's how I feel about EMC. I won't be leaving unless I'm forced to. (Sorry I got a little bit morbid there for a second)
  19. Im going to have my laptop in my grave, playing EMC
    BobTheTomato9798 likes this.