If I had 1 Million Rupees Thread

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by wisepsn, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. Okay...
  2. Can't escape me, I'm the gingerbread man!
  3. Your pics wrong... It is bad. The head was cut off... BTW I think I just did...
  4. If I had one million rupees, I'd just keep them safe as an EMC achievement.
    battmeghs, PenguinDJ and jacob5089 like this.
  5. I would build my super tower project and create emc's biggest and strongest army.
  6. I'd rub in people's faces how much money i have. :p
    Jk, I actually don't know.
  7. If I had a million rupees, I would eat it.
    battmeghs and PenguinDJ like this.
  8. I would smell it...
  9. I... Have... A TWIN WELCOME BROTHA!!!!!!!
  10. The vault.
    jacob5089 likes this.
  11. I made a chili skin for my friends lol I wanna get the whole dancing crew so gotta work on a carrot and a pickle
  12. He took my skin
  13. Welcome to the Skin-thief victim club :D
  14. Is it weird I don't care? :3
    607 and battmeghs like this.
  15. I actually love it my fans my brothers my people :p
  16. I shook him off :D
  17. I feel appreciated ^_^
  18. I would finish my army base on utopia 5320
  19. I would make diamond walls in the wild :3
    'cuz lava walls are too mainstream
  20. i would wait a day and have a 100700:cool:
    technologygeek and battmeghs like this.