[Idea/Poll] New Ranks

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by pateraterick, Jun 23, 2012.


Which "rank" should be added? Please read !

Lapiz 9 vote(s) 20.5%
Senior 15 vote(s) 34.1%
Both 5 vote(s) 11.4%
Neither 15 vote(s) 34.1%
  1. Creds to the ninja. I agree completely.
    I also think that new titles should be added, but not with any colors or anything.

    For example, on the forums:
    New Forumer - someone with only a few posts and a few likes.
    Forumer - Someone with an amount of posts between 20 and 200
    Active Forumer - 200 posts - 1000 posts
    Diligent Forumer - 1000 - 1750 Posts
    Liked Forumer - 25 likes - 500 likes
    Loved Forumer - 500+ Likes
    Well-known Forumer - All the trophy points.

    Iron Supporter
    Gold Supporter
    Diamond Supporter
    New member - Less than 20 days old OR less than 10 hours spent on Empire
    Member - 20-100 days old OR 10-100 hours spent on empire
    Active member - 100 - 200 days old OR 100-300 hours spent on empire
    Diligent Member - 200+ days old OR 300-500 hours spent on empire
    Well-known member - 250+ days old OR 500+ hours spent on empire

    The only ranks with benefits would be Diamond, Gold, and Iron. When you do /p <player> then they will show up as in certain groups. For example, doing /p SecretAznEks would show:

    Information on Empire Minecraft Player SecretAznEks
    Group(s): Diamond Supporter, Well-Known Forumer, Diligent Member
    Last Seen: 1 hour ago on server smp2
    First Empire Sign-In: 159 Days ago

    If you are a both a well-known forumer and a well-known member then you are eligible for the senior member rank, which, like ninja said, would be chosen by the admins and staff, with help from the community if needed. As for on the forums, senior members would have their names be in red, but can also select to be seen publicly as another rank. For example, I could choose to show on the forums as a well-known forumer, a Diamond Supporter, or a Diligent Member.

    The numbers in this post are subject to change.
  2. I completely agree with secret and ninja and I really like secret's system. There is definitely holes, but don't all ideas have them at first?
  3. no one like my idea????????????????
  4. I think that you should have a rank in game if you have played for 200+ days and are also active on the forrums, I think we should call this rank Loyal member and for perks maybe like 150 daily bonus and like zabriel said be able to buy a second res for x amount of rupees.
  5. still like my idea better... i thought it out for like 30 mins...
  6. I really like the idea of buying a new res. <.< >.> I feel like it would also keep people active in the game. I know I've gone on streaks where I have stopped playing because I cant think of anything to do. Having the ability to buy a new res would allow me something to do. I also feel like the mods/admins should be the ones to decide on awarding the ranks. Every idea will have holes in them, making it easier to achieve those ranks. Everything starts somewhere. :)
  7. but for people like me... i normally dont have more than 5k at 1 time... i have 10k now because i havnt had any projects lately
  8. Well, it will give you a reason to find new ways to make money, and have a reason to save up on money. Money management can never be learned to early. :)
    pat2011 likes this.
  9. sorry to bump an old thread but i couldn't stop thinking about this last night... i would like for more people to view it as it is a really good idea...
  10. But you can spam every thread in the world to get 1000 posts. I have been here for over 200 days and have my 500 likes but not 1000 posts because I try to make each and every post count.
    chickeneer likes this.
  11. same here.... but i dont post in a thread im not interested in..