[Idea/Poll] New Ranks

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by pateraterick, Jun 23, 2012.


Which "rank" should be added? Please read !

Lapiz 9 vote(s) 20.5%
Senior 15 vote(s) 34.1%
Both 5 vote(s) 11.4%
Neither 15 vote(s) 34.1%
  1. Regulars should get less rupees not more like 50r
  2. dude.. quit posting on here.. your taking away from people quit hating man.. :p
  3. there should be the minimoose award
    only awarded to me
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. I think if you've played for more then 200 days (Day's you've actually logged on and claimed your rupees) You should get the ability to use /map hide.
  5. I could do whatever i want
  6. Mrlegitislegit and IamSaj like this.
  7. Ability to go on server when its full is good enough for me :D!
  8. What about 1000+ posts and 200 days played?
    creepincreepers7 likes this.
  9. You guys are naming off things you need for this rank, but not saying what you get out of it :S
  10. Derp.
    jkjkjk182 and josh303011 like this.
  11. This is interesting, Here is my 2-cents

    • No Senior- shaunwhite is already Senior Staff and it would be degrading for him if there was another rank with "Senior in it"
    • I have a serious problem with any in-game benefits from forum postings. If someone wanted to- the could be an Active Member in a couple of a days just from spamming and posting useless junk. To get likes they could just have a friend like all of their comments so it could be abused way to easily.
    • I only post when it is important to me or when I have something substantial to add. When I do post on the forums I am sure to think it out thoroughly and provide the most accurate and complete response I can give.
    • I do like additional possible in-game name color changes. Along with maybe 50 additional rupees a day with a high non-supporter rank. Still would have to log in to earn these rupees (NOT Automatic)
    • Unless the benefits of supporters change (Which I don't think they need to), non-supporter benefits must be very limited.

    Well, that's all I have to say about that
    Kells18, creepincreepers7 and IamSaj like this.
  12. I was thinking, there should be perks for old members. If players have been on EMC for a long period of time, e.g 100 days, they would definitly run out of space to build on their plot. If they are unable to claim more plots either by alternate accounts or donating, they could be given the ability to "purchase" another plot for x amount of rupees, given that they achieved the rank/status of being an senior member of EMC.
  13. Or maybe 200 days, because I am here for a 150 days and still not finished with my res xD
  14. Let him state his opinion...
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  15. Exactly, there are quite some people that seems to be posting just for the sake of posting or to get likes.
    Anyway, I do like an idea of new rank if done properly. If it would be given to honoured players, then a lot of players would try harder to not break the rules, to contribute on forums, to help people in game and forums etc.. and community would be even nicer.
    ninjaboy5656 likes this.
  16. Very nice idea :)
    josh303011 and creepincreepers7 like this.
  17. I think some of these ideas are cool, but... there are problems with each
    # of day Logged on:You can simply log on for 10 seconds a day.
    Comment posted/Likes: Like someone said before... You spam then have a friend like them all.

    I think because of these reasons maybe it should be 125r a day for active people on the forum and on the servers...Nothing else. And when I say active I mean they must have posted a comment within the last 5 days and been on the server within the last five days. If they have the 125r bonus but then fail to be on or comment in the last 5 days then will only get 100r(normal) for the next 2+ days. However this might be to much to monitor and keep track of.

    This makes me think it should just stay the same unless they can make sure they(Staff) don't just spam comments and have friends like them, which would be difficult.

    EDIT: Maybe a # of posts more than a set number of words?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  18. it would take a while to get.. you could have your friend do that for you but there are ways to avoid that.. like say.

    ___ number of followers
    ___ number of days on EMC
    ___ number of posts
    ___ number of people from referrals
    ___ number of overall likes.
    ___ average active on EMC servers
    ___ average time active on forums

    this is a sort of failsafe to make sure that no one can have a friend do the work for them.

    plus this ( i prefer lapiz ) rank would only mean 125-150 r a day ( you have to sign in to get it )

    1 extra res after reaching sed rank. ( the res will be removed if rank is lost, meaning you would have to keep posting and getting like and stuff to keep the rank )

    and your IGN color would be dark blue??? ( completely necessary to change IGN color so people will know you have the rank )

    so in other words.. you would have to stay active to keep the rank.. like if you dont post or join EMC for 10-20 days the rank is auto removed... this way we wont be flooded with the rank and people couldnt wait to get any source of money with out joining..
    IamSaj likes this.
  19. Yeah so we should have these ranks
    -awesome rank
    -special rank
    -popular member rank
    -100 forum posts rank
    ;) What is the point of these ranks besides looking cool?
    Kells18 likes this.
  20. Maybe the senior rank could have a certain colour in chat like, red for example. They wouldn't even need perks of any sort. It is simply a way to show that they are respected members of EMC. Not just respected, respected, trusted and have proven that they are loyal to the Empire.

    This shouldn't be something achieved and judged be the amount of time someone has been on EMC, the amount of posts they have contributed to the forums, or even the trophy points or likes they have gotten on the forums. It should be judged by the moderators and even Justinguy and ICC. Not only will they discuss it amongst eachother but will ask the opinions of other members. Does this person deserve to be called senior? Has he/she done what it takes to become a senior ranked member? Questions like these will be asked amongst the moderators to see if the person should be ranked as "senior". This something that members can work towards by helping other players when maybe they were griefed and needed help to replace the items destroyed/stolen. People will notice that the person helped another person after they had been griefed and once a moderator comes and asks them if the person deserves to be a senior rank and why, the people that saw what they did will say that they helped someone after they had been griefed. It also encourages a healthier community so instead of fighting over things people try to help eachother instead. That my suggestion towards this discussion if an extra rank is added.