I love this server, but!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Nuttyknight42, Aug 13, 2020.

  1. Hi this is nuttyknight42 I really do like this server!
    But I'm starting to slow down in Minecraft, I used be able do the grind! It sad I wanted to stick around and finish my projects here! I may take some time off here, or I may see you guys tonight!

    Love ya guys and gals.
  2. I am same Nutty since I am trying to focus more on real life. But I will stay till I pass 3000 days if possible XD
  3. Stuff like this happens
    real life catches up with us and we have to step away from the things we love, or they slow down without us realizing it.
    Take care of yourself Nutty!
    Joy_the_Miner likes this.
  4. NuttyKnight, I totally understand. I'm hardly the player on EMC that I once was in 2015, or even Fall 2018. Though, I always prioritize stuff in my personal life over a simple computer game! :)

    Please take all the time you need to do whatever you want in your life, and return whenever you feel like it. We will always be here, EMC is not going anywhere anytime soon! :D
  5. Looks like I'm still here!
    UltiPig, Raaynn and Joy_the_Miner like this.
  6. I may not be around for awhile, I'm currently play on my 1.7.10 world!
    I want to get the old 1.7.10 blacksmith!