Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by xHaro_Der, Nov 25, 2015.

  1. *chants*

    Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill!
  2. I will save you Toade! Hang in there!
    Eviltoade likes this.
  3. Sounds like something you would dissect in science class...wait, those were toads!
    Kytula, Qkazoochan and xHaro_Der like this.
  4. Oh good. No elves or pineapples were put in. :)
    padde73 likes this.
  5. That's because the smoothie would taste to good with pineapples in it
    RougeLoupes and Kytula like this.
  6. What happened to toades?
  7. Eviltoade, do I get a second chance book because I got banned?
  8. That looks exactly like you. :p
  9. I'm not sure what to think of this :p
    607 likes this.