How to keep track of your residence's Derelict status while on vacation.

Discussion in 'Player Guides, Tips and Tricks' started by Buildershed, Jun 25, 2017.

  1. Most players obviously have a Residence which means DERELICT!

    Some may have a longer derelict because of there membership(disclaimer! the only memberships I had were on a different online game and I'm not telling you what it is even though it's kid friendly because I don't want to get accused of advertising which means that I had never had an Empire minecraft membership!)

    Others have the default derelict which lasts 30 days.

    Again, others have the newbie derelict which lasts 10 days.

    Part 1: What is derelict?
    Derelict is something where in a certain amount of days passing after the last time you last logged in for example: 30 days, You lose everything except the stuff in your inventory!

    Part 2: Methods on how to avoid derelict
    1. Bring you computer with you and a device with Mobile Data.
    2. Buy an Empire Minecraft Membership(if you don't have a phone or you're going to an area with no tower)
    3. Move everthing you have on your Residence and move it into the Frontier(write it down, Cordinates and which Outpost is closest)(if you don't have a phone or you're going to an area with no tower)

    Today, we'll do a tutorial on Part 1.

    Part 3: How to keep track

    Computer or phone: Open your text file editor(notepad for example)

    Reality: Go get a piece of paper

    What to write or type:

    Derelict Status

    Derlict Round:

    Last logged on:

    Predicted Expiration:

    You can find your derelict round by typing /res info on your res and look for Derelict Status.

    WardleDeBoss and ShelLuser like this.
  2. I'm more confused after reading this than I was previously.

    The structure confused me, no idea what you were trying to tell me to do. Nice idea for a guide though.
    The_Mancub and WardleDeBoss like this.
  3. Another way to protect is perm vouchers... as all as voting
  4. Emc should add a feature that can track derelict status via forums.
    WardleDeBoss and Tbird1128 like this.
  5. Or contact Krysyy if you know you will be gone longer than you expect and she can help you by adding days to your account/accounts.
    WardleDeBoss and NuclearBobomb like this.
  6. TomvanWijnen and WardleDeBoss like this.
  7. Whoa. That's awesome! I can finally see my actual join date. Speaking of this, how did you get the stats of every player's login, voting, join date, etc?
    WardleDeBoss likes this.
  8. nfell2009 likes this.
  9. Don't have access to that info on perm protection, but could make it just say people won't go derelict if they're x-rank. I could probably make a way of getting it directly in-game, but not sure how to do the MC part without keeping my PC running 24/7 lol.