How do you kill momentus?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by zeke1o0o, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. nopenopenopenopenope
    Edit: Apparently saying nope over and over can spell open..
    jkjkjk182 and cadgamer202 like this.
  2. I prefer mob assassination.
  3. The water issue currently is a < 1.6 bug, Mojang fixed it in 1.6... :)
  4. yay, the new spawn system in 1.6 is gonna make enraged more common! im excited
    melk73 likes this.
  5. Sharkmatto, Luca_canada, Dragon and I killed one momentus (They were fighting him for two days, took me an hour). Where we are, there are 4 (now 3) of them >:O
  6. solo'd 3 of em in this past week
  7. well sorta solo'd
  8. i hate you all i never get them to spawn on smp6 and i actively hunt them :/
  9. Aikar, after 1.6.2 code is done could we please get a health bar for Momentus and Marlix, similar to that for the Ender Dragon?
    It would really help to see progress and know when they are close to death.
    I hope this is doable.
    Thank you.
  10. i think theres an approved mod that does that dont quote me tho
  11. It seems like there are certain areas on servers where the boss's spawn more frequently, seeing as we've had 3 Marlix's and 4 Momentus's in the past 2 days...
  12. On smp 1, all of the momentuses i've seen or heard of were in a desert. You could try looking in deserts.
  13. :( thats where i usually hunt
  14. There is currently one there in the eastern wastelands.
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  15. How does momentus spawn? Where does he spawn too?