Hey, it's been a while.

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Gap542, Apr 5, 2018.

  1. Hey there :)

    Don't know if you remember me, and I don't expect you to, but my old ign was herocrafter2912. Nice to see you again
  2. Are you going to reply?
  3. No sir, never knew ya- only been around EMC one year. I will say while there are some people that stick around from the five years range, I doubt you'll have many friends left- but plenty of new friends to make.
    Welcome back if you return, Gap.
  4. Maybe I will, hey dude

    Hey fluff


    Of course I remember you Jay!

    Are you still rich?


    If I remember correctly. Long time no see girl!! What's up?

    Yes I do!

    Hey! You're a mod now!
  5. Welcome back :D
  6. lol - I now have even more items and promos, and still not that many rupees. You should check 859 out. :p
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